A Diamond Shape Guide

A diamond shapes guide
Table of Contents


There are a plethora of benefits to buying loose diamonds online and it will almost always be the cheapest option. At James Allen you can inspect your diamond with a diamond and jewelry expert in real time, allowing them to help you make the best choice.

The most popular diamond size chosen for engagement rings is a 1.0 carat center stone. However, couples can opt for both smaller and larger diamonds. Another great and more affordable option at James Allen is lab created diamonds. Lab created diamonds are the next generation of diamonds that give you the benefit of purchasing a larger size diamond at a more affordable price.

Generally, the shape of the diamond won’t affect its quality, however the way a diamond is cut may impact the diamond’s beauty, brilliance and value. 

There are several ways to tell. Some of them require an expert eye to identify imperfections. Ironically, imperfections indicate pure diamonds. The easiest way to tell if a diamond is real or fake is to drop it in a glass of water. Real diamonds will sink toward the bottom while fake diamonds will float around the middle or top.

Conflict free diamonds refer to diamonds that have been carefully selected for their ethical and environmentally responsible origins.

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