How To Choose The Right Jewelry For Your Skin Tone

How To Choose The Right Jewelry For Your Skin Tone 

There’s a good reason certain metal types suit you better than others. Read on and find out how to pick the right jewelry color for your skin tone!

How To Choose The Right Jewelry For Your Skin Tone

What is Skin Tone?

Your skin tone is not the same as your skin color, also known as overtone. Rather, it refers to the subtle undertones of your skin that come through no matter how the environment impacts your skin. 

To get technical, the primary component in someone’s skin tone is their melanin content. We know that melanin also contributes to skin color, with more melanin resulting in darker skin color. However, in the case of skin tone, the more melanin you have, the warmer your skin tone. 

Diamond Engagement Ring

Why Does Complexion Matter When Choosing Jewelry?

If you’re new to wearing accessories, you might be wondering why your complexion matters when picking your engagement ring metal or other fine jewelry?

It matters because different metals either clash or complement different undertones. Since the metal encasing your gemstones or diamond often rests directly in contact with your skin, it can significantly impact how well your jewelry looks on you.

Most people fall into one of two undertone categories – warm or cool. A few of you may even be part of the neutral skin tone group.

Skin Tone vs. Undertone 

Skin Tone

  • Surface color of your natural skin
  • It can change 
  • Categorized as light, medium, dark


  • Muted color beneath your skin 
  • Cannot change 
  • Categorized as warm, cold, neutral

Skin Tone Categories


Light or fair skin tones tend to come from Northern European countries. People with paler skin are usually more sensitive to the sun and find they burn easily.

Best Bridal Jewelry Sets_BJ4_89029_W_89027_W_17740_16024_W_025


Medium complexions are typical of those of Southern European and Northern Asian descent. Usually, this skin tone is neutral and can tan well in the sun. Many people under the medium category have an envy-worthy olive skin tone.

Engagement ring


Dark complexions typically originate from parts of the world that have the most exposure to ultraviolet radiation, such as the Middle East, India, and Africa.  

Diamond jewelry

Undertone Categories

Your undertone is like the shadow of your skin that will always be there and never change. Cool, warm, and neutral are used to describe the different shades we find. 

When applying makeup, the undertone of your skin determines what shade of foundation to use on your face, and it also helps us to understand which metal color is perfect to suit your unique skin tone.

  • Cool tone: red, pink, and bluish hues underneath the skin. 
  • Warm tone: yellow and golden hues underneath the skin. 
  • Neutral tone: olive or a balanced mix of the above-mentioned shades. 

How to Determine Your Skin Tone

Here are three ways to tell which skin tone category you fall under. 

  1. Your Veins 

Look at your veins under natural light and check their appearance under your skin. Under natural light, you’ll be looking at your undertones rather than your overtones. Are your veins blue or green? Are you even able to tell? 

Well, if you can’t tell, you may be someone who falls under the neutral skin tone category. If your veins are blue or purplish, then you’re part of the cool tone group. Finally, if your veins are green, you’ll fall under the warm tone category. 

Matching engagement ring to skin color
  1. The Silver/Gold Test

If you have some jewelry lying around, try on some silver and yellow gold pieces and see which metal complements your skin better. Does silver look better? You likely have cool undertones. If you have a warmer complexion, yellow gold will stand out as the better option. 

Hint hint: At you can use our virtual try-on to see how well your favorite engagement ring looks on your hand AND you can try it on using different metal colors! 

  1. Your Skin’s Reaction to Sun Exposure

When you’re out in the sun, how does your skin react? Do you tan easily or rarely experience sunburn? Or do you find your skin is easily burned and turns red quickly? Those who tan easily likely have a warm skin tone. You’re probably part of the cool tone club if you burn easily. 

Engagement ring

Buying The Right Metal Color For Your Complexion 

Now that you know how to determine your skin tone and which undertone category you fall under, we can start to figure out which metal type is perfect for you. 

Cool Tone

If you fall in the cool category, white metals complement your skin the best. These include platinum, white gold, and silver. Fear not if you’re worried about whether your white gold jewelry will still stand out against paler skin. White metals shine just as bright as yellow or rose gold.

Warm Tone

If your complexion is warm, then opt for yellow gold or copper. Earth tones like rose gold, bronze, or black metals also look great on warm skin tones. Darker metals can really elevate your look, especially with statement pieces like diamond necklaces or tennis bracelets.

Neutral Tone 

Finally, if your tone is neutral, you can choose the metal you like best. Go with what makes you feel beautiful because every metal looks great on your skin!

P.S. Love rose gold? Rose gold is a neutral metal, so it looks great on everyone! 


What Jewelry Should I Choose for My Warm Skin Tone?

Warm skin tones pair well with gold, brass, and copper jewelry. Opt for gemstones like coral, turquoise, and amber to complement the warmth of your skin. Earthy tones and warm-hued metals tend to enhance your natural complexion.

Can Cool-Toned Skin Individuals Wear Silver Jewelry?

Absolutely! Silver, white gold, and platinum jewelry suit cool skin tones. Gemstones like sapphire, amethyst, and emerald are great choices. These cool hues harmonize with your skin’s undertones, creating a balanced and appealing look.

Which Jewelry Colors Enhance Neutral Skin Tones?

Neutral skin tones can pull off a wide range of jewelry colors. Consider trying pieces with versatile gemstones like pearls, diamonds, or opals. Metals like rose gold can add warmth, while white gold can provide a cool contrast.

How Do I Determine My Skin Tone for Jewelry Selection?

To determine your skin tone, examine the veins on your wrist. If they appear bluish, you likely have a cool tone; greenish veins indicate a warm tone. If it’s difficult to tell, you might have a neutral tone. Experiment with jewelry against your skin to see what complements you best.

Final Thoughts

Remember that these guidelines are just that – a place to get you started experimenting with which metals look best against your beautiful skin.

At James Allen, we have all the tools and support you need to find and design the engagement ring of your dreams and the wedding rings you and your partner will cherish forever. 


Subscribe to our email list for access to secret sales, practical ring-buying tips, and $100 off your first purchase!


Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Birthstone By Month Find Out Yours

Birthstones By Month: Find Out Yours

Enjoy our guide on birthstones by month! Whether you’re curious about your own birthstone or looking for the perfect gift, you’re in the right place. Each month has a unique gemstone (or gemstones) that hold special meaning and history. Let’s dive in and discover these stunning stones!

January Birthstone

January Birthstone: Garnet


Known for its deep red color, garnet is often associated with love and friendship. However, garnets can come in various colors, including green, yellow, and even blue! This versatile January birthstone was used by ancient warriors as a talisman of protection and is believed to bring strength and safety to travelers.

Garnet Birthstone

February Birthstone: Amethyst


This beautiful purple stone is a symbol of peace, clarity, and protection. Cherished by royalty throughout history, amethysts were believed to ward off intoxication and promote calmness and clear-headedness.

Amythest Birthstone

March Birthstones: Aquamarine and Bloodstone


With its serene blue hues, aquamarine is reminiscent of the ocean and symbolizes courage and communication. This March birthstone is said to protect sailors on their voyages and bring tranquility to its wearer.

Aquamarine Birthstone


This dark green stone with red flecks was once thought to have healing powers and symbolize strength and vitality. Warriors in ancient times carried bloodstones for their protective qualities and their association with bravery.

April Birthstone: Diamond


The most coveted gemstone, diamonds are known for their unparalleled hardness and brilliant sparkle. Symbolizing eternal love and strength, April’s birthstone has become a universal emblem of luxury and romance. They’re also the most popular choice for engagement rings.

White Gold Jewelry

May Birthstone: Emerald


With their vibrant green color, emeralds are symbols of rebirth, fertility, and wisdom. They were a favorite of Cleopatra and are believed to bring growth, renewal, and foresight.

Emerald Birthstone

June Birthstones: Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone


Unique among gemstones, pearls are created by living organisms and are often associated with purity and innocence. They symbolize loyalty and integrity and are a popular choice for wedding jewelry.

June Birthstone Pearl


This rare gem changes color depending on the light, ranging from green in daylight to red in incandescent light. Alexandrite is a symbol of balance, adaptability, and prosperity.


With its mystical sheen and varying colors, moonstone is linked to intuition and emotions. It is said to bring good fortune, enhance intuition, and is often associated with lunar deities.

July Birthstone: Ruby


Known for its fiery red color, the ruby is a symbol of passion, protection, and vitality. Rubies have been worn by royalty throughout history and are believed to bring confidence, courage, and a zest for life.

Ruby Birthstone

August Birthstones: Peridot and Spinel


This vibrant green stone is often called the “evening emerald” due to its glowing color. Peridot is said to bring good luck, peace, and happiness, while also warding off evil spirits. Unlike other gemstones, this August birthstone comes in one color and shade.

Peridot Birthstone


Often mistaken for other gemstones, spinel comes in a variety of colors, including red, pink, blue, and black. It’s a symbol of revitalization, energy, and inspiration, believed to bring passion and devotion.

September Birthstone: Sapphire


Famous for its stunning array of colors, sapphire symbolizes wisdom, purity, and faithfulness. It was once believed to protect against envy and harm, making it a popular choice for those seeking protection and spiritual insight.

Sapphire Birthstone

October Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline


Known for its dazzling play of milky colors, opal is a symbol of creativity, inspiration, and hope. Each opal is unique, making it a particularly special gemstone that is believed to enhance artistic expression.

Opal Birthstone


Available in a rainbow of colors, tourmaline is believed to promote healing, reduce stress, and attract love and friendship. Its varied hues make it a versatile and beloved gemstone for those seeking balance and joy.

November Birthstones: Topaz and Citrine


This gemstone can come in many different shades, but golden topaz is the most popular for November. It’s associated with affection, strength, and intelligence, believed to bring warmth and abundance.


With its warm, sunny hues, citrine is known as the “merchant’s stone” and is believed to bring prosperity, success, and energy. This November birthstone symbolizes joy, positivity, and vitality.

Citrine Birthstone

December Birthstones: Turquoise, Zircon, and Tanzanite


This blue-green stone has been prized for millennia and is associated with tranquility, protection, and healing. It was cherished by ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Native Americans, for its calming properties.


This gemstone can come in many different shades, but blue topaz is the most popular for December. It’s associated with affection, strength, and intelligence, believed to bring warmth and abundance.

Topaz Birthstone


Often confused with diamond, zircon comes in various colors, including blue, red, and clear. Known for its brilliance and fire, it symbolizes wisdom, honor, and prosperity.


Discovered only in the 20th century, tanzanite is renowned for its deep blue-violet color. It’s a symbol of transformation, spiritual growth, and insight, believed to enhance intuition and communication.


What is the significance of birthstones?

Birthstones are gemstones associated with each month, believed to bring good luck and have unique properties. They often symbolize traits or characteristics linked to the month they represent.

How do I choose the right birthstone?

Consider the birth month and any personal connections or preferences regarding the stone’s color and properties. Each birthstone has its own special meaning, so choose one that resonates with you or the recipient.

Are there alternative birthstones?

Yes, some months have multiple birthstones. This provides more options, especially if one stone is preferred over another for its color or meaning.

Where can I buy high-quality birthstone jewelry? offers a wide selection of beautiful birthstone jewelry. Known for their quality and craftsmanship, they provide detailed information about each gemstone to help you make an informed choice.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Sapphire Engagement Rings

Sapphire Engagement Rings: Your Complete Guide

Ready to dive into the world of sapphire engagement rings?

Let’s explore the September birthstone’s rich history, dazzling colors, and how to find the ideal ring for you. From understanding their significance to tips on buying and caring for them, we’ve got you covered.

Sapphire Engagement Rings

What is a Sapphire?

Sapphires, a type of corundum mineral, are renowned for their mesmerizing colors and exceptional durability. While they are often associated with a rich blue hue, sapphires actually come in a spectrum of colors, including pink, yellow, green, and even colorless varieties known as white sapphires.

Origins of Sapphires

Sapphires are mined in various locations worldwide, with significant deposits in countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Madagascar, and Australia. Each region produces sapphires with distinct characteristics.

Sapphire Colors

Sapphires exhibit a wide range of colors, each contributing to its unique allure and market value. From deep blues to vibrant pinks, each hue reflects the geological and chemical conditions during its formation.

Sapphire Colours

History of Sapphire Engagement Rings

With a rich history dating back centuries, sapphire engagement rings have symbolized sincerity, truth, and faithfulness. Once favored by royalty and nobility, these rings continue to captivate with their timeless beauty and enduring symbolism.

Sapphire Symbolism and Folklore

Cultural Significance of Sapphires

Throughout history, sapphires have been associated with wisdom, protection, and good fortune. They were believed to guard against envy and harm.

Sapphires in Mythology and Religion

Sapphires appear in various religious texts and myths. For example, ancient Persians believed the sky was painted blue by the reflection of sapphires.

Modern Symbolism of Sapphires

Today, sapphires symbolize love, commitment, and fidelity, making them a popular choice for engagement rings and meaningful jewelry.

Multi Sapphire Ring

Pros and Cons of Choosing a Sapphire Engagement Ring

Pros of Sapphire Rings

  • Stunning Beauty: Offers a wide range of colors to suit personal preferences.
  • Exceptional Durability: One of the hardest gemstones, suitable for daily wear.
  • More Affordable: Generally costs less than diamonds.
  • Unique Choice: Distinctive option with historical significance.

Cons of Sapphire Rings

  • Limited Color Availability: Certain colors may be rarer.
  • Maintenance Needs: Requires regular cleaning and care to maintain brilliance.
  • Resale Value: May not appreciate as much as diamonds.
  • Limited Availability of High-Quality Stones: Larger, high-quality sapphires can be scarce.

Selecting Your Perfect Sapphire Ring

Factors to Consider When Buying

Choosing the ideal sapphire engagement ring involves considering factors such as color intensity, clarity, cut style, and carat weight. These elements collectively determine the stone’s aesthetic appeal and value.

Yellow Sapphire Ring

Popular Settings for Sapphire Rings

Sapphire rings can be set in various styles, from classic solitaires to elaborate halo designs, offering versatility to match personal tastes and complement the stone’s natural beauty.

Side Stone Sapphire Ring

Different Shapes of Sapphires

The shape of a sapphire significantly influences the overall look of the ring. Popular shapes include round, oval, princess, emerald, cushion, pear, marquise, and heart shapes, each offering distinct characteristics and visual appeal.

Pink Sapphire Engagement Ring

Buying a Sapphire Engagement Ring

Where to Buy Sapphires

Reputable jewelers, both online and offline, offer a range of engagement rings in every setting and style. Ensure you choose a seller with a good reputation and clear return policies.

Questions to Ask Your Jeweler

  1. Is the sapphire natural or treated?
  2. Does it come with a certification?
  3. What is the return policy?
  4. Can the ring be customized?

Tips for First-Time Buyers

Research and understand the basics of sapphire quality and grading. Set a budget and stick to it, and don’t be afraid to ask questions to ensure you make an informed purchase.

Customization Options

Designing Your Own Sapphire Ring

Many jewelers offer custom design services, allowing you to create a unique ring that reflects your personal style and preferences.

Popular Customization Trends

Current trends include vintage-inspired settings, halo designs, and mixed-metal bands. Consider these options to create a timeless piece.

Caring for Your Sapphire Engagement Ring

To keep your sapphire engagement ring looking its best, clean it regularly with mild soap and warm water, and avoid exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures. Periodic professional cleanings and inspections will help ensure that your ring remains in pristine condition for years to come.

How to Cleaning Your Sapphire Engagement Ring


Are sapphires suitable for everyday wear?

Yes, sapphires are one of the hardest gemstones, making them an excellent choice for engagement rings that will be worn daily.

Can sapphires be customized?

Yes, many jewelers offer customization options for sapphire engagement rings, allowing you to create a unique piece that reflects your personal style.

Do sapphire engagement rings hold their value?

Yes, high-quality sapphire engagement rings can retain their value over time, especially if they are well-maintained and come with certification from a reputable gemological laboratory.

Are sapphire engagement rings expensive?

The cost of a sapphire engagement ring can vary depending on factors such as the quality and size of the sapphire, as well as the complexity of the setting. However, sapphires are generally more affordable than diamonds of comparable size and quality.



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Blog Gia Certification Cover (1)

Your GIA Certification, Explained

A GIA certification is an official document detailing the nitty-gritty of your unique diamond. Why’s it important? Read on to find out.

GIA Certification

What’s a GIA certification?

A GIA certification (issued by the Gemological Institute of America) is a type of diamond certification. This document details all the unique characteristics of your diamond. An official GIA inspector analyzes your diamond thoroughly and records its physical attributes in the certificate. The 4 C’s (Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight) are covered exhaustively. No two diamonds will have identical GIA certificates.

In short, you can think of a GIA certification as your diamond’s “birth certificate.”

Is a GIA certification Important? 

Well, yes and no.

Yes: The GIA certification allows gemologists to identify, price, and appraise your diamond. By documenting its one-of-a-kind characteristics, a diamond certificate ensures that your stone is unmistakable.

No: You wear a diamond for the sparkle, not the certification. The GIA certification often comes in handy at the beginning of your diamond’s life—as you buy, appraise, and insure your diamond—then usually spends the rest of its days in a file cabinet.

To really understand the aspects of your diamond described in the GIA certification, you have to see them with your own eyes. With James Allen’s Diamond Display technology, you can view your diamond in 360° HD and up to 40x magnification. Then you’ll truly understand your diamond’s features.

Moissanite Vs Diamonds

What Does A GIA Certificate Contain

A GIA certificate contains detailed information about the following aspects of your diamond:

  • Cut Grade: Evaluates the craftsmanship of the diamond’s cut.
  • Color Grade: Assesses the absence of color.
  • Clarity Grade: Identifies the number, size, and placement of internal and external inclusions.
  • Carat Weight: Measures the diamond’s weight.
  • Polish and Symmetry: Rates the finishing details and symmetry of the diamond.
  • Fluorescence: Describes the diamond’s reaction to ultraviolet light.
  • Proportions: Detailed measurements of the diamond’s dimensions.

Your GIA Certification

The good news is that every James Allen diamond comes with an official certification. We provide reports from the industry’s leading labs including the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Your diamond may come with a diamond certification from the GIA, the American Gem Society (AGS), or the International Gemological Institute (IGI). These labs adhere to the highest grading standards, and only issue diamond certifications certified by professional gemologists.

To get your diamond certificate, simply ask our customer service team! Your grading report is complementary with your diamond.


Choosing between GIA and IGI certifications can be challenging. Here’s a quick comparison:

GIA Certification:

  • Renowned for strict grading standards.
  • Widely recognized and trusted.
  • Often considered the gold standard in diamond grading.

IGI Certification:

  • Known for consistent and reliable grading.
  • Popular in European and Asian markets.
  • Generally offers quicker turnaround times for certification.
Jewelry Insurance

Natural Diamonds Vs. Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab diamonds and earth-created diamonds both come with diamond certifications. That’s because lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds are, well, diamonds. And since both grow organically (one underground, one in a lab) they both form their own unique, gradable characteristics. In fact, even professional gemologists can’t reliably tell the difference between mined and lab diamonds.

Still Have Questions?

At James, our customer service agents are available to you 24/7. Feel free to contact us, and one of our non-commissioned diamond and jewelry experts will help you find the diamond of your dreams. 


Is GIA a good diamond certificate? 

Yes, GIA is considered one of the most reputable and stringent diamond grading labs in the world.

What does GIA stand for? 

GIA stands for Gemological Institute of America.

Is GIA expensive? 

While GIA certification may add to the cost of a diamond, it provides assurance of quality and accuracy, making it a valuable investment.

Is it OK to buy a non-GIA diamond? 

Yes, it can be okay to buy a non-GIA diamond. Other reputable labs, like IGI or AGS, also provide reliable certifications. However, GIA is often preferred for its strict standards and global recognition.

Can GIA be faked? 

Unfortunately, fake GIA certificates do exist. It’s crucial to buy diamonds from reputable sellers and verify the certificate on the GIA website.

How can I check that my GIA certificate is real? 

To verify a GIA certificate, visit the GIA website and enter the report number. You can also contact GIA directly for verification.



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Moissanite Vs Diamonds

Moissanite vs. Diamonds vs. Lab Grown Diamonds

Debating between moissanite vs. diamonds? We’re breaking down everything there is to know about moissanite, natural diamonds, and lab grown diamonds to help you choose which center stone will suit your dream ring best! 

Moissanite Vs Diamonds

What Is Moissanite?

Moissanite has a different chemical makeup from natural and lab grown diamonds. While a diamond is pure carbon, moissanite is both silica and carbon. As a result, Moissanite sparkles differently, more even, and is slightly less hard than a diamond. However, it does look nearly identical to a diamond! 

Loose Moissanite Stones

What Is A Lab Grown Diamond?

A lab grown diamond, also known as a man-made diamond is a diamond that is formed in a lab instead of the earth’s crust (don’t you just love science?) Lab diamonds are chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds, the only difference is in the price tag! You’ll find that lab diamonds are three times less expensive than natural diamonds. 

Remember, lab grown diamonds ARE real diamonds! 

Loose Lab Grown Diamonds

What Is A Natural Diamond?

A natural diamond is a gemstone found deep in the earth’s crust, formed over millions of years, and mined all over the world. Also known as the April birthstone, diamonds are the rarest of all gemstones and the most sought-after center stone for engagement rings.

Loose Diamonds

Moissanite vs Diamonds Buying Tips

Never be afraid to ask the hard question when it comes to choosing the right gem for your engagement ring. Not all of us require a diamond, and some of us want one but would prefer an option that doesn’t break the bank. So, what questions should you be asking?

  1. Create a Budget: Set a spending limit to help narrow your options and avoid overspending.
  2. Research and Compare: Learn the differences between moissanites and diamonds to make an informed decision.
  3. Decide on Priorities: Determine what features matter most to you, like size, sparkle, or ethical sourcing.
  4. Understand the 4 Cs: For diamonds, know the Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat weight. For moissanites, consider similar qualities.
  5. Choose a Reputable Vendor: Buy from trusted jewelers with certifications and good reviews, and check their return policies.
  6. Get Certifications: Ensure diamonds have grading reports from reputable labs like GIA or AGS, and moissanites have authenticity certificates.
  7. Review Return and Warranty Policies: Ensure the vendor offers a clear return policy and check for warranties.
  8. Consider Long-Term Care: Learn about the maintenance needed to keep the stone looking its best.
  9. Understand Resale Value: Know that natural diamonds may hold resale value, while moissanites and lab created diamonds usually don’t.

Moissanite vs. Natural Diamonds vs. Lab Grown Diamonds

Moissanite Vs.natural Diamonds Vs. Lab Diamonds

As you can see from the table above, moissanite and diamonds have their advantages, but what sets them apart from one another? 


Moissanite comes in colorless, near-colorless, and yellow/green shades. This is perfect if you’re looking for a more traditional-looking center stone. On the other hand, natural and lab diamonds come in every color under the rainbow. You will have no trouble finding an affordable white diamond or a fancy color diamond. 


On average, a lab grown diamond engagement ring will cost three times less than that of its natural diamond ring counterpart. But a diamond, regardless of its origin, may still prove to be too costly for a young couple or a couple with a tight budget.

That’s where moissanite certainly has an advantage. If you choose to go with a moissanite engagement ring, you’ll pay almost four times less than that of a lab created diamond ring and even less than that of a ring with a natural diamond center stone.

Estimated Price Comparison: Moissanite vs. Natural Diamonds vs. Lab Grown Diamonds

Carat SizeMoissanite (USD)Natural Diamond (USD)Lab-Grown Diamond (USD)
0.50 ct$1,000 – $2,000$3,500 – $6,000$2,500 – $4,000
1.00 ct$2,000 – $3,000$7,000 – $12,000$5,000 – $8,000
1.50 ct$3,000 – $4,500$12,000 – $18,000$8,000 – $12,000
2.00 ct$4,000 – $6,000$18,000 – $25,000$12,000 – $16,000
3.00 ct$6,000 – $8,000$30,000 – $40,000$18,000 – $24,000
4.00 ct$8,000 – $12,000$45,000 – $60,000$25,000 – $32,000

If you’re looking to maximize your budget and the size of your center stone, a moissanite ring may be the best option. However, if having a real diamond is important to you or your partner, a lab diamond is definitely the better choice and will still allow you to get a stunning gem of high quality. 


Both lab diamonds and moissanite are made in safe lab environments with fair wages. There’s also no destructive mining involved. Natural diamonds are however earth-made. They’re mined from different continents around the globe.


A gemstone’s durability is measured using the Mohs hardness scale. FYI, diamonds are the hardest substance on earth, rating a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale! 

Moissanite doesn’t do too badly either, coming in a close second at 9.25 on the scale. This means your moissanite ring will remain clear and unscratched. In fact, the only thing hard enough to scratch it would be a diamond. 

Mohs hardness scale

Can You Really Tell the Difference Between Moissanite and a Diamond?

Yes. If you looked at moissanite engagement rings up close, you’d notice the distinctive sparkle. Not only does moissanite sparkle brighter than diamonds, but it also sparkles more colorfully, too.

Where Can You Buy An Engagement Ring With A Diamond Or Moissanite Stone?

Where you buy your engagement ring is a very important choice. Most, if not all, online jewelry retailers have a larger selection of engagement ring settings, diamonds, and diamond alternatives. They also have more advanced technological features and are usually much more affordable than store-bought engagement rings. 

James Allen's Engagement rings with diamonds


Is moissanite a real stone?

Yes, moissanite is a real and naturally occurring mineral. However, the moissanite used in jewelry is typically lab made due to its rarity in nature.

Is moissanite worth buying?

Moissanite can be a great alternative to traditional diamonds, offering exceptional brilliance and fire at a more affordable price point. Its durability and unique optical properties make it a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry.

Is there a downside to lab grown diamonds?

Potential downsides include perceived value differences and the absence of natural rarity, which can affect resale or sentimental value for some individuals.

Are lab grown diamonds considered to be real diamonds?

Yes, lab grown diamonds are considered real diamonds as they have the same chemical composition, physical properties, and optical characteristics as natural diamonds. The main distinction is their origin.

Let’s Wrap It Up 

Diamonds and moissanite are both equally good alternatives to natural diamonds. If your main concern is a tight budget, but you still want a white stone that will last and sparkle forever while looking like a diamond, moissanite is your guy! 

But if you’re a socially conscious shopper who still prefers a traditional diamond ring with an affordable price tag, lab grown diamonds are your best bet.


Subscribe to our email list for access to secret sales, practical ring-buying tips, and $100 off your first purchase!


Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Engraved Rings: Make a Personalized Gift Special

An engraved ring with a personalized message is the ultimate way to create a unique and thoughtful sentiment. From marking your wedding ring with a message just between you and your spouse or seeing a special message on your engagement ring when you say yes, personalized rings are always in style. 

engrave ring

What to Consider Before You Engrave Your Ring

Most importantly, when personalizing a ring with an engraving, you want to consider the message. Remember to keep it short, at James Allen, we have a limit of 20 characters using letters or numbers. Also, stick to a block text or cursive script so your message is easy to read.

And of course, make it meaningful, this is something the wearer will see every time they wear it, everyday if it’s an engagement or wedding ring. So make sure the message, like your love, is timeless.

Engraved Rings

Engraved rings are the easiest romantic gesture you may ever make (or receive!). Not only is it reasonably easy to customize your engagement ring or wedding ring with an engraving, but it’s affordable too. 

If shopping with us, simply choose the “+Add free inscription” option at checkout, enter the text, choose the font, preview the inscription, and voilà! And the cost? At James Allen, engraving your ring is free at checkout, while many jewelers and retailers charge a small fee for engraving.

14K Rose Gold Petite Pavé Cathedral Engagement Ring

Perhaps you and your partner have an inside joke you want to be engraved on your wedding rings. Or you’d like to add a personal touch but have no idea where to start? That’s where we come in.

We have plenty of romantic, funny, and traditional ideas to share with you, as well as some helpful facts and tips about engraved rings. Read on to learn more and get inspired. 

Engraved Engagement Rings

Planning a proposal is one thing, but gifting your love with a custom ring will take the touching moment to a whole new level. When engraving engagement rings, sentiment plays a huge role, but so does personality. The message is truly yours, so skies are the limit!

Dare to be cute, funny, and even a little cheesy! Your proposal is sure to be a happy and memorable occasion, so use this opportunity to make sure the inscription you choose adds to the laughs, smiles, and happy tears. 

14K Yellow Gold Three Stone Pear Shaped Engagement Ring

Here are some romantic and funny ideas for engagement ring engravings, and of course, these messages work on engraved wedding bands too:

Romantic Engravings For Rings:

  • I love you 
  • Yours forever 
  • My one and only
  • Keeper of my heart
  • All my love
  • Always and forever 
  • Love you more 

Funny Engravings for Rings:

  • Resistance is futile 
  • Non-refundable 
  • Dibs
  • Do not remove 
  • Finders keepers 
  • The better half 
  • Finally

Our tip: keep the engraving a secret (if your partner has helped you pick out or design the engagement ring, this will make the reveal so much sweeter).

Engraved Wedding Rings

Wedding rings, are another symbol of your love, the ring that you are your partner says “I do” too is another great opportunity for customization. Make it personal with a special message.

Once again, you have lots of options. Choose an inscription to compliment your engagement ring engraving, go for something romantic that tugs on the heartstrings, make it funny – like an inside joke or funny nickname, or add your wedding date. You’ll certainly never forget your anniversary now!

14K Yellow Gold 3mm Traditional Slightly Curved Wedding Ring

A few traditional options: 

  • Your wedding location 
  • Pet name or nickname
  • A line from your wedding song 
  • A line from a poem you both love 
  • A Bible verse 
  • The date of your wedding
  • The date you first met  
  • Your initials 
  • Mr & Mrs _____
  • Split message; you will be one half of a whole, after all! 

Our tip: take your time to choose the perfect engraving for your wedding ring. Whether working with your partner to do a split message, using a combination of ideas you both like, or making it a surprise, make sure it is timeless.

Engraved Anniversary Rings

Celebrate your anniversary with a stunning anniversary ring. These beautiful rings celebrating the anniversary of the day you said yes to forever, are another great opportunity to send a personal message. Add a custom message and make this milestone truly memorable.

  • The date of your honeymoon 
  • The initials of your children 
  • The dates of your child/children’s birthdays 
  • The number of years you’ve been together 
  • A special phrase that represents you two 
  • A sentimental quote such as: “still going strong” or “more beautiful today” 
14K White Gold Seven Stone Low Dome Basket Lab Grown Diamond Anniversary Ring (0.50 CTW - F-G / VS2-SI1)

Our tip: we know it’s not always easy to think of a suitable inscription, luckily it can always be added in the future. 

Traditionally, engravings are done by machines that use a diamond tip instrument and a clamping technique. The introduction of the latest technology, laser engravings, engravings on your wedding, anniversary, or engagement ring are clearer than ever. 

What Is Laser Engraving?

Laser engraving is performed using a machine equipped with a pencil-like laser that a person or artist controls. A laser beam allows the device to trace words, images, symbols, and patterns, to create the perfect custom engraved rings. Laser engraving can be done on just about any surface and works on all precious and alternative metals. 

Fun fact: laser engraving is different from machine engraving, as it allows for more accurate engravings with clear-cut and deeper lines. Plus, it’s not limited to any particular font.

Why Is Laser Engraving Easier To Read?

Laser engraving is much easier to read than machine engraving because it has a higher precision rate. It doesn’t chip away at the metal and there is no wear and tear from tool usage because it’s a laser. 

The laser burns the metal, turning the messaging or imagery darker, making it easier to read. The laser is also more detail-driven and can produce the tiniest features, making engraved rings all the more appealing. 

Will the Engraving Scratch off?

Our rings go through natural erosion the longer we wear them. Your ring may need to be polished and mended for damage or breakage. The tougher your lifestyle, the more strain your ring will take long-term. 

While most people choose to engrave the inside of the ring, if you’re planning to make a personalized engraving on the outside of your ring, you are more likely to need the engraving redone. At the end of the day, the permanence of the engraving relies heavily on the durability of the metal itself.

Opt for stronger metals like tungsten or platinum when engraving on the ring’s exterior, as softer metals, like white gold, are more vulnerable to chips and scratches. 

If you choose to engrave the inside of your band, it is likely never to wear away or become scratched, no matter the ring metal. 

What’s the Cost for Engraving?

Wedding bands are the most popular jewelry to personalize with laser engraved messages and details. Jewelers and retailers have varying fees for engraving a ring, depending on a few things, mainly the number of characters.

Here at James Allen, our customers can opt for a free engraving at checkout! We offer you the choice between block or script fonts, and a message of up to 20 characters. You choose the engraving and we’ll take care of the rest. 

Pro tip: choose the block font if your band is less than 2mm thick. 


Can I engrave on any metal?

The ability to engrave on a specific metal depends on its hardness and the engraving method used. Common metals like gold, platinum, and silver are generally suitable for engraving, as they are relatively soft and can be engraved using various techniques, including hand engraving and laser engraving.

Can I get a ring engraved after I’ve purchased it?

Yes, you can usually get a ring engraved after purchasing it, even if it wasn’t originally engraved. Many jewelers offer engraving services and they can add the engraving to your ring.

Is there a limit to the number of characters I can engrave on a ring?

Yes, ring engravings typically have a character limit, usually ranging from 20 to 30 characters, including spaces. It’s important to check with your chosen jeweler for their specific limitations. Keep in mind that shorter engravings may be easier to read and more visually appealing on smaller ring bands.

What is the cost of engraving an engagement ring?

Engraving an engagement ring typically costs between $50 and $200, depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the design, the number of characters, and the jeweler you choose. Simple text engravings are usually less expensive, while intricate designs or custom fonts may cost more.

Keep Us In Mind

Here at James Allen, we want to do everything we can to make all your experiences special. That’s why our amazing customer service team of non-commissioned diamond and jewelry experts are here to help you 24/7. From choosing the ring and diamond or gemstone, to adding a custom engraving, there’s no question to big or small. We’re here to make you sparkle, not stress.



Sarah Axelrad

With over 10 years of experience writing and editing on a wide variety of subjects, Sarah is a veteran of the content world. Since joining James Allen, she has focused on all things diamonds and fine jewelry with the goal of educating and empowering consumers.

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How To Build The Perfect Wedding Ring Stack

How To Build The Perfect Wedding Ring Stack

Why wear two rings when you can wear three? Or four? At James Allen, we believe that wedding ring stacking is the perfect way to express your personal style while honoring this special occasion in your life. And what better way to do so than to experiment with different ring styles, metal types, and diamond cuts?

How To Build The Perfect Wedding Ring Stack

What Is a Wedding Ring Stack

A wedding ring stack is a set of multiple rings that sit or nest together in a group. This can include the engagement ring, wedding band, and other additional rings. The wearer can also add or switch bands to express their personal style or mark special occasions.

Choosing the Right Rings

As you put together your ring stack, pay special attention to your engagement ring setting to ensure everything complements beautifully. Generally, a classic stack includes two to three rings, depending on the thickness of the bands and, of course, how comfortable they feel on your preferred finger.

One of our favorites right now is the stacking of eternity rings, which can bring a touch of endless sparkle and sophistication to any kind of stack. Whether you prefer a minimalist look or a more extravagant style, the key is to create a combination that feels just right for you.

Layering Techniques for a Ring Stack

Layering techniques for a ring stack add depth, personality, and endless possibilities to your jewelry ensemble, ensuring each combination tells a unique story. Find out how layering techniques elevate your collection from ordinary to extraordinary with ring stacking.

Balance Your Stack

The key to a cohesive wedding ring stack is selecting an overall theme, which will create a balanced look even with different designs or colors. While choosing the same colors will undoubtedly match, mixing in one or two different colors will enhance your ring stack and show off your personality.

Begin by choosing a uniform diamond shape, metal color, or color combination that you love. You can also include stackable rings of different widths to add dimension without overwhelming the stack. Don’t be afraid to experiment with rings to see what complements each other and what you like best.

Oval Solitaire Engagement Ring

Adding Different Styles and Metals

With so many gorgeous ring choices, how can you not want to mix and match a few favorites to create that perfect wedding ring stack? Having a variety of rings allows you to select a wedding ring that matches your mood or occasion. Here are some tips to help you achieve the art of mixing metals and colors:

  • Consider your skin tone and outfit when choosing your main color – it should complement your look, not clash.
  • If you choose to wear multiple ring stacks, use the same color palette for each stack so that the overall look remains cohesive.
  • Select one primary metal color and mix it with one secondary or accent color.
Marquise Ring

How To Measure Your Ring Size For A Wedding Ring Stack

Knowing your ring size is perhaps one of the most important parts of creating your wedding ring stack. This ensures the stack feels seamless and comfortable as you wear it. However, keep in mind that each of your fingers, as well as different parts of your fingers, will be different sizes.

If you don’t know how to find your ring size, order a complimentary James Allen sizer. Then, consider the width of each ring and how many rings you’re stacking. Many choose to go by the ring size of the finger they plan to stack their rings on. This way, each ring will fit securely and snugly without rubbing against the other rings.

Play around with your rings to find out which rings fit best where and stack accordingly. For rings with wider bands (2mm or above), you may prefer to size up for a more comfortable stack. If your rings don’t fit, the stack will not only be uncomfortable to wear but could also damage your rings and look undesirable.

The Ultimate Guide To Buying Mens Engagement Rings


  • Ensure that you know your ring size.
  • Choose rings that feel comfortable to wear when stacked together.
  • Learn which ring fits best on which finger.


  • Stack rings that don’t fit – too loose rings can spin around, create gaps, or rub against your other rings while too tight rings will squeeze and create a “muffin top.”
  • Create a ring stack that is too high or too low – your stack should stop at a desirable point.
  • Use only rings with the same width.

How To Care For Your Stackable Rings

Taking care of your stackable rings is crucial. Cleaning them regularly with mild soap and warm water will ensure they always look their best. Consider periodic routine maintenance and inspections from a reputable professional jeweler.

Be sure to remove your ring before engaging in activities that may damage it. This can include exercising, gardening, swimming, or cleaning with harsh chemicals and abrasive materials.

Store your ring in a clean, dry place, preferably in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a soft pouch to prevent scratching and tangling. If you want to ensure your ring’s sparkle, schedule professional cleanings and inspections with a trusted jeweler at least once a year.

Personalization and Customization

One of the best things about wedding ring stacking is that it allows you to instill more meaning into your jewelry. Your stack of wedding rings can be as personalized and meaningful as you’d like it to be. Birthstone rings are just one wonderful way to add that perfect touch to your stack while honoring significant milestones.

While some people build a stack simply for style, others add new rings to commemorate special occasions and treat their stack like a charm bracelet. Don’t forget that we also offer free engravings on the inside of most of our wedding rings to help you add a unique and thoughtful sentiment.

Three Stone Engagement Ring

Budgeting Tips For A Wedding Ring Stack

Are you planning on creating your dream wedding ring stack? Here are some budgeting tips to help you navigate the process smoothly:

  • To determine your budget, decide how many rings you want in your stack.
  • Consider different metal and gemstone options to find the best combination that fits your budget without compromising on quality.
  • Think about buying rings for your stack over time so you can spread out the cost and prioritize the most important ones first.
  • Explore alternative options such as lab-grown diamonds.
  • Keep an eye out for sales, promotions, or discounts that can help you save on your ring purchases.
  • Compare prices from different jewelers or online retailers to find the best deals without being forced to go for lower quality.


What is a wedding ring stack?

A wedding ring stack is a collection of several rings, often including an engagement ring and wedding bands, worn together on the same finger.

How do I choose the right rings for my stack?

When choosing the right rings for your stack, remember it mainly comes down to personal preference. Experts advise considering elements that are personally meaningful, such as birthstones, engravings, or designs that reflect your love story. Additionally, make sure your ring stack complements your engagement ring without overshadowing it, creating a harmonious look.

Can I mix metals in my wedding ring stack?

Yes, you can! Mixing metals in your wedding ring stack is a popular and trendy choice and can create a unique and stylish look. Although it’s sometimes recommended to ensure the metals complement each other aesthetically.

Final Thoughts

Stackable wedding rings offer a gorgeous canvas to express your unique style and flair. Whether you prefer a minimalist aesthetic or enjoy mixing bold designs, the possibilities are endless. And the beauty of it all? There is no right or wrong way to do it! Visit us at and we’ll help you find your next perfect wedding ring stack.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Jewelry Insurance

Jewelry Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

When you invest in diamond jewelry, you want to ensure that your investment is protected. Whether you just got engaged or finally gifted yourself a beautiful pair of gold earrings, keeping your jewelry safe is so important. The question is, do you have jewelry insurance? Or do you really need it? We’re answering all your questions and giving you all there is to know about jewelry insurance. 

James Allen's engagement ring

We often insure the most expensive items we own, such as our cars or homes. But in many cases, we don’t think about our jewelry? Your jewelry is something that holds more than just sentimental value as it can be a symbol of love or legacy, and these pieces are often irreplaceable. Read on to find all the answers to some of the most common questions about jewelry insurance.

What Is Jewelry Insurance?

Jewelry insurance is unfortunately an unknown concept to most people, but protecting your jewelry by having insurance is a very smart move. 

Jewelry insurance works just like any other insurance. It is an important guarantee that will give you the peace of mind you need in case of any unfortunate event. However, this insurance specifically covers your precious pieces including, diamond necklaces, earrings, engagement rings, or any other valuable jewelry.

Insurance is a form of risk management that protects you from financial repercussions if your jewelry is damaged, stolen, or lost. These policies normally cover all jewelry items submitted for coverage and result in either replacement, repair, or reimbursement of costs. 

How Does Jewelry Insurance Work?

In terms of coverage, most jewelry insurance policies will cover the full spectrum. When items are stolen, damaged, or lost, your policy takes effect. Most of the time, jewelry insurance is more comprehensive than your regular homeowner’s policy. And while the majority of those do cover jewelry, it tends to be a smaller amount and only if the piece of jewelry is stolen. 

When Should You Get Jewelry Insurance

Fortunately, anyone can get jewelry insurance at any time for new or existing items. For example, if you and your partner are about to purchase wedding rings, you can insure them from day one.

However, if you’ve built up a collection of diamond jewelry over time and are only thinking about insurance now, don’t worry, the option is available for you too. If this is the case, you will most likely need to show proof of purchase or get a valuation done if you lost those documents.

The same applies to heirloom jewelry pieces. While it would be impossible to truly replace a diamond bracelet that once belonged to your great-grandmother,  you can have the item appraised so that a policy can be purchased for it.

James Allen's diamond engagement ring

How To Get Insurance On Jewelry

Most basic homeowners or renters insurance policies provide some coverage for your valuables such as jewelry. For the most part, it will only cover your jewelry up to a certain amount of dollars.

A standard policy commonly has a coverage limit which is generally around $1,500. This means that your insurance company won’t pay more than this amount as reimbursement if your jewelry is stolen.

It is important to note that selecting a company that specializes in jewelry insurance will most likely give you more comprehensive coverage.

How Much Does Jewelry Insurance Cost

Just like with all types of policies, jewelry insurance costs are based on the value of each item, how often you wear the piece, and the amount of coverage you wish to have. Experts claim that typically between 1 – 3% of the item’s overall value is paid each year. Basically, if your diamond engagement ring costs $10, 000, you will end up paying $100 to $300 in annual insurance premiums.

You can avoid paying too much for your jewelry if you know exactly how much it costs. For example, overestimating its value could result in paying more than you need to. Alternatively, if you underestimate it, you might lose out financially in the event of a claim.

It’s also important to note that rates vary depending on where you live. You can get a quick and simple estimate of what you can expect to pay in your state on Jewelers Mutual’s homepage by using their free estimate tool. 

What Is Engagement Ring Insurance?

From the very moment you say “yes,” and begin rocking your new, dazzling addition on your hand, the thought of getting engagement ring insurance may be the furthest thing from your mind. But as they say, with great rings come great responsibilities. And, fortunately, during such a happy time, jewelry insurance can provide the peace of mind you need for less than you think. 

An engagement ring is among one of the most expensive things you will buy or own in your lifetime. So why not insure it? 

Engagement rings are also highly susceptible to damage or loss. Think about it, it is typically worn every day which increases the likelihood that it will be lost, damaged, or stolen.

Top Engagement Ring Tips From the Experts

How Can I Keep The Cost of My Jewelry Insurance Low?

When shopping around for insurance or buying a standalone jewelry insurance policy, it’s important to compare prices to find the best policy for you. Additionally, there are several different things that can easily help keep the cost of your jewelry insurance low. 

It may be possible to reduce your premiums if you have security measures such as a burglar alarm and quality locks. Or, you could consider purchasing a safe to keep your jewelry in when not in use.

Even if you don’t show off your stunning jewels, you can never be sure they will be safe at home. In fact, jewelry is one of the most commonly stolen items out of homes. 

Does Insure Jewelry?

Although we provide you with an insurance appraisal that you can use to obtain coverage, we do not provide jewelry insurance.

We know that jewelry mishaps are way too common but luckily we at have partnered with Jewelers Mutual (JM) Insurance Company. Together we provide you with warranties against damage AND comprehensive jewelry insurance – so you can be protected against wear-and-tear, loss, theft, or extensive damage. 

Insuring your jewelry with Jewelers Mutual® Jewelry Insurance is quick and easy, and leaves you with a feeling of emotional and financial security. Learn more and get your free quote today. 

Jewelers Mutual® Jewelry Insurance Advantages:

  • Comprehensive worldwide coverage that extends beyond ordinary homeowners insurance;
  • Protection against theft, damage, accidental loss, and mysterious disappearance;
  • Flexibility to choose your own jeweler;
  • Repair of damaged jewelry with the same level of quality as the original;
  • Replacement of lost jewelry with the same brand and type;
  • Graduate Gemologists (GIA) with a passion for jewelry on staff.

Ask The Right Questions

Being adequately informed is super important when deciding which insurance option or provider is best suited to your needs. Here are some great questions to ask while researching diamond jewelry insurance policies:

  • Is there a deductible or discount if you have a home security system?
  • If you’re insured for replacement (instead of a cash payout), where can you purchase a new ring?
  • Are you covered for the full replacement cost of the diamond jewelry and will you receive a cash settlement or a replacement item?
  • What happens if a suitable replacement cannot be found?
  • How will you need to prove the piece of jewelry was stolen if you make a claim?
  • Are there any circumstances that aren’t covered?
  • In the event of a damaged or lost item overseas, does the policy cover you fully?
  • Are you covered for damage or just loss and theft?
  • Will the policy adjust according to inflation?
  • What types of repairs contribute to the deductible?
  • How often do you have to provide appraisal reports to the insurance company, and which ones do they accept?
How to buy an engagement ring

Tips on Insuring Your Jewelry

  • Make sure you compare insurance companies online or by phone before you choose one.
  • Read all the details of the policy carefully before you pay for extra insurance.
  • Make sure you understand the rules of the particular insurance company you choose.
  • To avoid any nasty surprises should you need to make a claim, you should read the terms and conditions of your jewelry or contents insurance policy carefully.
  • Check whether your jewelry is covered for the total replacement cost and if you can receive a cash settlement instead of a replacement item.
  • It’s important to know that your insurance company may require periodic appraisals.
  • Find out if you are eligible for a discount if you have a security system, such as an alarm.


Does provide insurance appraisals?

Yes. Every finished engagement ring or piece of fine jewelry valued at $1,000 or higher will be accompanied by a full insurance evaluation.

Does offer additional insurance coverage?

We have collaborated with the Jewelers Mutual (JM) Group to provide an upgraded 3-year or lifetime protection plan that protects your jewelry against even more of life’s surprises. You can purchase either one of these plans during checkout or at any time afterward. Click here to see what’s covered and learn how to upgrade your warranty.

What Is Covered Under Jewelry Insurance?

Generally, it differs between insurance policies, but rings (including wedding and engagement rings), earrings, bracelets, necklaces, loose diamonds, and watches are typically covered by jewelry insurance. We recommend looking for an insurance company that provides the exact coverage you need. 

14K Yellow Gold Two Prong Lab Created Diamond Tennis Bracelet
14K Yellow Gold Floral Halo Engagement Ring

The bottom line is that you never know what the future holds, right? So better to be sparkly and safe than sorry! 

Have any further questions? Feel free to contact our customer service team.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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How Much Should Ypu Spend On An Engagement Ring

How Much Should You Spend On An Engagement Ring?

Getting the ring of your dreams may sometimes seem impossible, but we’re here to answer one very important question. How much should you really spend on an engagement ring? We’ve got all the tips and tricks to ensure you get the perfect ring for your buck!

James Allen's Diamond Engagement Ring

Shopping for engagement rings can be stressful, time-consuming, and even a little confusing at times. We know the assumption is that an engagement ring will cost a pretty penny, but most people don’t know all the ways they can get their dream ring without breaking the bank.

We’ll discuss unrealistic engagement ring cost myths and share all the clever ways to avoid them and still get the best ring for your buck. From diamond hacks to where you should shop for your ring, our tips and tricks are sure to help you avoid unnecessary ring costs.

What’s the Average Cost Of An Engagement Ring?

Today, the average price of an engagement ring ranges between $2,500 to $5,000. However, plenty of people purchase rings that are both below and beyond that price.

As you plan to buy your engagement ring, it’s important to remember that there is no one size fits all way of doing things. Each person has their own income, ring budget, and, of course, ring preference.

James Allen's diamonds with two engagement rings

Engagement Ring Cost Myths

Outdated myths about engagement ring shopping and societal expectations can lead you down an expensive path. Let’s take a look at some of those assumptions and how you can avoid them.

Spending Three Month’s Worth of Your Salary

Spending three months’ worth of your salary was a campaign started by De Beers in the 1930s. It was traditional until it wasn’t. It changed to two months’ salary as time passed, and then the diamond needed to cost one month’s salary. Slowly but surely, those ideas changed with time, and now there are no ironclad rules about what to spend on an engagement ring.

As Brilliant and Colorless as Possible

Color grading for diamonds isn’t as tricky as it seems- especially when picking a center stone for your engagement ring.

As you can see on the chart below, near-colorless diamonds barely have any yellow tint and are often cheaper than colorless diamonds. The diamonds below are exactly the same except for the color grade. The slight tint of color in these diamonds is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye.

For faint yellow diamonds, if cut in a flattering diamond shape and set with the right metal color, their slight color will also be disguised. In that case, you can walk away with a stunning diamond engagement ring for a fraction of the price you would’ve paid for a colorless diamond.

Diamond Grade Price Comparison Chart

The Bigger the Better

The bigger, the better- we must politely disagree. While the idea of a big and brilliant diamond sounds incredible, there are so many other ways to maximize your diamond’s appearance without having to purchase a huge diamond.

For one, most jewelry retailers have a large selection of diamond shapes and ring settings. So how do you go bigger without breaking your budget?

Try out an elongated diamond center stone, like emerald, oval, marquise, or pear. These diamonds can give off the idea of being larger than other round or square diamonds of the same carat weight.

Or you could invest in a setting that adds more sparkle to your ring. Side stone, halo, and pavé settings can give you the extra diamond accents you want without having to invest in a bigger diamond.

How Much Is Too Much to Spend On An Engagement Ring?

There is no correct answer to this question. How much you spend on an engagement ring depends on your personal budget and your partner’s expectations. If you are looking to save costs and get the absolute best ring for your budget, then you need to shop smart and do your research.

Overspending on an engagement ring can mean anything from picking a colorless diamond instead of a near-colorless diamond that would’ve looked just perfect in your chosen ring setting. But you won’t know which mistakes to avoid if you don’t utilize all the information at your disposal. Many ring shoppers use free online jewelry consultants- like our diamond consultants at

How To Cut Costs On An Engagement Ring 

Manipulate the 4Cs

How do you manipulate the 4Cs? Here are our top tips:

  • Find a balance between color and clarity. While that balance varies by diamond shape, you can save money without sacrificing quality by staying on the high end of the color scale but the lower end of the clarity scale, as long as there are no visible inclusions.
  • With round, emerald, and asscher cut diamonds; you can typically go as low as a J color grade without seeing any incredibly noticeable color.
  • Cuts such as oval, cushion, radiant, pear, princess, marquise, and heart require quality a bit higher on the scale (G and up) so as not to see any color.
  • Well-cut diamonds like round and princess shapes have an incredible firey brilliance, no matter the size of the diamond.
4cs Infographic

Opt For Lab Grown Diamonds Instead 

When buying an engagement ring online, you’ll find a wider variety of diamond and gemstone center stones. While some people prefer the traditional natural diamond, the perks of investing in lab grown diamonds are growing. 

Lab grown diamonds and earth-created diamonds are optically and chemically identical. If you were to have both diamonds professionally inspected, you would find no differences. The only noticeable difference is the price tag. A lab created diamond is by far the more budget-friendly option.

Lab Created round cut diamond price estimation

Ditch The Diamond Altogether 

If you’re on the fence about gemstones, remember this. All gemstones are rare, like diamonds, but more affordable per carat. They certainly put an alternative twist on a classic engagement ring, and they can be a more budget-friendly option compared to diamonds.

Gemstones can be set in ring settings with diamond accents or on their own in solitaire bands and still produce that show-stopping effect you want in your engagement ring.

If you want a larger yet inexpensive center stone on your ring, try a classic gemstone from sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and even morganite.

Buy Your Engagement Ring Online 

We know shopping online comes with many what if’s, and we’re sure you’ve been left with some trust issues. However, if you find a known and trustworthy online jewelry retailer, you can end up getting the most incredible engagement ring for much less.

Pros of shopping for your ring online:

  • Special services and technology (education center, 360° HD diamond viewing)
  • Online engagement ring customization
  • Virtual engagement ring try-on
  • Online ring sizer
  • More variety for your budget
  • Lab grown diamonds in all shapes, sizes, and colors
  • Affordable gemstones alternatives
  • Great shipping and return policies
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Ethically sourced diamonds
  • Jewelry insurance assistance
  • 0% interest payment options
An engagement ring in an open red ring box next to pink roses
Two stacked red ring boxes on top of a newspaper next to a topaz pendant

Wait For Sale Periods 

The holiday season is an excellent time to shop for your engagement ring. This is a promotional time for many jewelry and diamond retailers, and you could end up saving a significant amount on your engagement ring.

Once you’ve researched and found your potential go-to retailers, subscribe to their newsletter to get regular updates on upcoming sales.

Customize Your Ring Online 

Customizing your ring online is not only an incredibly personal experience but one that can ensure you get a ring within your budget that meets all of your wants and needs.

Our Ring Studio offers online customization on a whole new level. You are the leading designer instead of telling someone in a store what you like and having them create it for you. You don’t need to settle for an engagement ring that doesn’t quite suit your or your partner’s style because you can design one that is the exact representation of what you want down to every minute detail. 

The Ring Studio Select A Head

Trends Shaping Engagement Ring Spending

Engagement ring spending has changed significantly due to how millennials and older couples who are remarrying have shifted the dynamic of buying engagement rings.

Many individuals and couples choose to marry later in life after they’ve had their personal, professional, and worldly development. As a result, these people are more sure of what they want in an engagement ring regarding style, originality, price, ethics, and how they make their purchases.

These expressions of individuality and broader consumer awareness have manifested in several trends like unusual center stones, settings, colors, shapes, and styles. More couples opt for gemstones or lab grown diamonds because they are often more socially responsible, unique, and affordable.

We’re Here To Help

Finding the perfect engagement ring comes with stress, questions, and a lot of second-guessing. At James Allen, we offer you 100% free advice and will assist you in understanding the best diamond quality for your budget and unique preferences. 

Contact our customer service team and chat with non-commissioned diamond and jewelry experts 24/7 regarding any questions you have about buying an engagement ring online and the process around it. 

Happy shopping! 



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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How To Measure Your Ring Size

How To Measure Your Ring Size

Whether you’re searching for the perfect fit for your dream engagement ring or surprising your fiance’ to be, our ring size guide will point you in the right direction. Let’s see how you measure up.

How To Measure Your Ring Size

Wedding and engagement rings have long been a symbol of love and devotion. The circular ring has neither a start nor a finish, which is emblematic of an everlasting union. With such rich meaning and symbolism, designed to last a lifetime—so it makes sense that the ring size needs to be spot on.

If you’re not sure how to measure ring size, you’re in the right place.

How To Measure Ring Size At Home?

You may be asking yourself, how is this even possible? It’s true, James Allen can help you figure out your ring size all from the comfort of your own home. Take a look at our free online ring sizer

Alternatively, you can simply request a free ring sizer that will be delivered to your home. 

Nervous that you’ve ordered the incorrect ring size? Don’t fret! We will resize your ring once, for free up to 1 year after the purchase.

3 ways to measure your ring size

Different Ring Size Conversions

While you may wear one size in the U.K., your sizing in the States may be completely different. Thankfully, though, conversion charts are available to ensure you order the right size regardless of which country the ring was sized in, which ensures complete accuracy.

Ring sizes in the United States and Canada range from 3 to 13, which includes half and quarter sizes. A ring’s size is determined by its diameter or circumference and is measured in inches or millimeters. The diameter measures the inside length of the ring, whereas the circumference measures the length of the entire band. 

International ring sizing involves the same measurement process, but the numbered sizes run on different scales, which vary by country. Australia and the United Kingdom actually use an alphabetical letter sizing system.

Ring Size Comparison Chart

How To Measure Ring Size With A Tape Measure

Using a measuring tape is considered to be the best and most accurate method to determine your ring size. Give yourself enough space to accommodate your knuckles for the best results. Also, you should measure the finger where you plan to wear the ring, since the finger size on your left and right hands may differ.

STEP 1: Place the measuring tape over your finger and pull it around into a circle. 

STEP 2: You should adjust the size of the circle, move it over your knuckles, and make sure it fits comfortably.

STEP 3: Take note of the measurements in millimeters and use the comparison chart if needed. 

How To Measure Ring Size With A String

This next method is simple and works well for those who don’t have a ring nearby. All you need to do is take some string or ribbon and wrap it comfortably around your ring finger.

Once the piece of string is around your finger, carefully mark the spot where the string overlaps. For an accurate result, try to make the smallest mark possible. Then, take the string and measure it against a ruler or measuring tape. Enter your measurements here in either millimeters or inches. We’ll do the calculations for you and, voila, you now have your ring size. 

Still unsure? Find out more by watching this video.

More Ring Sizing Tips

  1. Measure your finger in the evening – For best results, measure your finger at the end of the day. In the morning, your fingers are colder and therefore smaller than usual.
  2. Measure a few times – Be sure to measure your finger size a few times to make sure your calculations are accurate.
  3. Use non-stretchable material – If you’re measuring your finger on your own, you want an accurate measurement! Good materials: ribbon, twine, even paper.
  4. Measure your finger close to your knuckle – This is where the ring will usually sit, so you want it to be comfortable.
  5. Measure your finger in the middle of the day – Our fingers tend to swell overnight, so it is recommended not to take your measurement in the morning as you wake up. 
  6. It’s also recommended to not measure your finger, When the weather is either too hot or cold, after an intense workout or if you are sick.

Tips for Buying a Ring as a Surprise

  1. Ask people If you don’t know your partner’s ring size, ask their close friends or family members to assist. Tell them to keep it hush-hush so that they don’t accidentally ruin the surprise!
  2. Borrow a ring that fits Borrow their ring (from the correct finger!) and use James Allen’s virtual ring sizer to determine the ring’s size.
  3. Shop for the ring on a private device And log out of all your shared accounts! You don’t want your partner running across your cookie trail.

Other Ways To Find The Ring Size

Taking An Existing Ring To A Jeweler

Even though you won’t be shopping for a ring in the store, this is still one of the most professional ways to find your ideal ring size. Head over to your local jewelry store and have the jeweler measure your ring size. In addition to their nifty gadget, consider trying on a few of their engagement or wedding rings to ensure comfort and a perfect fit. 

Use Another Ring From Their Jewelry Box 

Probably the easiest way to get an accurate ring size is by using one that already fits! If you’re looking for a size for someone else, simply use a ring from their jewelry that you know they wear often. That will ensure you have a comfortable ring!

Recruit Family/Friends To Help You Out 

If you’re keeping a secret from your fiance-to-be, you can recruit the help of others! Have your partner’s best friend inquire or find a ring of theirs to keep things covert. 

Inviting others to participate in this part of the process turns the proposal into a shared experience! Plus, having an extra set of eyes and hands can help with both getting the size and finding the perfect ring!

What Is The Average Ring Size For Men?

The average size of a men’s wedding band is 9. For men with bigger hands and long fingers, a wider ring band is recommended. While men with smaller hands or shorter fingers, a wider band may not be the best choice. Then again, this also depends on your personal style and how much of a statement you want to make.

What Is The Average Ring Size For Women?

According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the average ring size for a woman is a size 6. However, they also add that depending on their lifestyle, on average most women tend to fluctuate in weight, so adding a quarter size to the ring is often recommended. Fingers also tend to swell during seasons such as summer, so keep that in mind as well when measuring your ring size.

Wedding Ring Buying Guide

James Allen Ring Sizer Tools

You don’t have to worry about sizing a ring. James Allen’s Virtual Ring Sizer can help you determine your ring size online for free. There are two options available, you can either measure your finger, or you can measure a ring you already own to discover your ring size. Both are accurate and will give you your exact ring size.

What Happens When My Ring Is Resized?

During the resize process, small amounts of metal will be added or removed to increase or decrease the size as needed. As a result, your ring may be slightly thicker or thinner when completed. This is a minor difference and is often invisible to the naked eye.

Your resized ring will be inspected by quality assurance to ensure that our high standards are met and that your ring has been fitted to the size that you need.

What If I Order The Wrong Ring Size?

It’s worth noting that approximately 40% of rings end up being resized. But don’t worry, as we know that this is something that can happen when you’re buying a ring online, we offer free ring sizing for up to 1 year after purchase

Metals That Can’t Be Resized

Keep in mind that not all metals are created equal. If your ring is made of tungsten or titanium, you will not be able to resize them. 

Both tungsten and titanium are hard metals. While both of these materials make for durable and scratch-resistant rings, once you size them, they cannot be changed.

Rose gold rings may also prove to be difficult to resize.

Keep this in mind when choosing your metal type!

Wedding Ring Metal Types 3

Rings That Can’t Be Resized

Unfortunately, some rings are not able to be resized. This may be because of the specific design or material that has been used. Rings made from unconventional materials such as resin, ceramic, jade, or wood cannot be resized because there’s no way to cut and bend the ring- its composition isn’t amenable to the process.

These include:


How will I know if I have the right size?

A good ring size should fit snugly around the base of your finger without bulging or leaving any indentations. However, the ring should also be loose enough to slide over your knuckle. Check if your ring fits right by pushing it up from underneath and making sure there is a small space between it and your finger. This means there is enough room.

Does band thickness affect size?

Yes, band thickness can affect your ring size. The more a ring covers your finger, the tighter it will fit. In addition, stacking many types of bands, such as a wedding ring set, will increase your ring size. We recommend measuring your ring size with a sizer that’s close to the thickness of the ring that you’ll be wearing.

How to secretly find someone’s ring size?

Planning a surprise romantic and creative proposal? You can easily find out your partner’s ring size without them knowing. One of the easiest options is to simply ask their family or friends. Another way to measure your partner’s ring size secretly is by measuring a ring they already wear.

Are men’s and women’s rings measured using the same scale?

Yes, women’s and men’s ring sizes are measured on the same scale. The average size of men’s hands tends to be larger than that of women’s, so they will fall into the larger category.

We’re Here To Help

Concerned about how to measure your ring size? At, our non-commissioned diamond and jewelry experts are always available to help and answer any queries you may have. We look forward to assisting you! Contact us here.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Ways To Upgrade Your Engagement Ring

6 Ways To Upgrade Your Engagement Ring

Looking to upgrade your engagement ring this year? Join us as we explore the easiest and most significant ways to upgrade your ring!

Ways To Upgrade Your Engagement Ring

Why Upgrade Your Engagement Ring?

Sometimes a little change is good for the soul, and upgrading your engagement ring can feel just as good as a new haircut.

There are many reasons someone may look to upgrade their ring:

  • Symbol of an anniversary
  • The desire for a bigger diamond
  • Upgrade in quality or personal style
  • Financial improvement of the couple
  • Family heirloom/tradition
  • A personal milestone celebration
  • Renewal of vows or commitment ceremony
  • The original ring no longer fits

If one of these sounds like your reason you may also be wondering how exactly you can upgrade or change your ring. That’s why we are walking through our top 6 ways to upgrade your engagement ring based on our customers’ preferences.

Change The Center Stone

The first and most popular way to upgrade your engagement ring is by changing the center stone. Some want to switch their gem for something a little bigger or perhaps a different diamond grade altogether. Others want to change the shape of the diamond or gemstone to something more personal to their style.

There are plenty of diamond and gemstone shapes to choose from- and upgrading to a larger stone can cost a fraction of the price if you consider opting for a lab grown diamond.

Side Stone Engagement Ring

Alter The Setting

The setting of your engagement ring plays a crucial role in its overall appearance. Consider updating the setting to something more modern or intricate, such as a halo setting or a vintage-inspired design.

This change can breathe new life into your ring while maintaining its sentimental value.

Different Diamond Shapes

Add Side Stones

Enhance the beauty and brilliance of your engagement ring by adding side stones. Whether you choose diamonds, sapphires, or another gemstone, incorporating additional stones can elevate the glamour and sophistication of your ring.

Side stones are also a great way to add more sparkle to your ring and even add a second diamond shape into your design.

Three Stone Engagement Ring

Upgrade The Metal

Changing the metal of your engagement ring can make a significant impact on its appearance. If you currently have a white gold ring, consider upgrading to platinum for a more durable and lustrous option.

Alternatively, switching to yellow or rose gold can give your ring a warm and luxurious look.

If you’re considering changing the metal color of your ring, check out our related post on how to choose the best metal for your skin tone.

4 different metal engagement rings

Related Post: How To Pick The Right Engagement Ring For Your Skin Tone

Swap For A Gemstone 

Want something a little less traditional? Learn more about gemstone engagement rings, from popular picks like sapphires to the classic emerald, you’ll have plenty of colorful stones to choose from. If you’re looking for the ultimate personalized engagement ring, perhaps your birthstone is the perfect fit for your upgraded ring! 

Pink pearl ring

Add A Matching Band 

It’s trendy to add stackable rings to your engagement ring- particularly ones that fit the original style of the band. These additional bands can complement your ring’s design, add extra sparkle, and allow for more versatility in wearing your ring.

A popular option is curved wedding bands, these work best for sharper shapes like marquise and pear shaped center stones.

Round diamond engagement ring

Related Post: Curved Wedding Rings: Brides Newest Obsession


How much does it cost to upgrade an engagement ring?

The cost of upgrading an engagement ring varies depending on the changes you want to make. Simple alterations like resizing or adding engraving may be relatively inexpensive, while more significant changes like upgrading the center stone or altering the setting can be more costly.

Can I use the same jeweler to upgrade my engagement ring?

Yes, many jewelers offer services for upgrading engagement rings. It’s often beneficial to work with the jeweler who originally created the ring, or find an online jewelry who specializes in customization.

Will upgrading my engagement ring affect its sentimental value?

While upgrading your engagement ring may change its physical appearance, its sentimental value remains intact. The love and commitment represented by the ring are independent of its design, and any changes made are a reflection of your evolving style and preferences.

Final Thoughts

As you can see there are so many reasons why you may want to upgrade your ring, and several fun ways to do it! If you still have questions and want to know more details about your personal preferences, you can contact our 24/7 custom service team, and they’ll be happy to help you.



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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8 Ways To Tell If Pearls Are Real

8 Ways To Tell If A Pearl Is Real

Picture this, you’re just about to head out the door for a long-awaited fabulous girls’ night out. You’re wearing your favorite pearl necklace feeling like the epitome of elegance just like Audrey Hepburn. But it dawns on you, are those beautiful pearls around your neck the real deal or just a glamorous imitation?

Pearls jewelry

We’re here to dive deep and give you all the pearls of wisdom you need on how to tell a real pearl from a fake one. Shall we begin? 

What Are Real Pearls?

Let’s get into what pearls really are. Pearls, the June birthstone, are truly unique, given that they are the only gemstones formed inside living creatures, which may be why they’re often referred to as the queen of gemstones.

What Are Fake Pearls? 

Fake pearls, often referred to as faux pearls, synthetic, or imitation pearls, are man-made look-alikes of natural pearls. Unlike genuine pearls, which grow within mollusks like oysters and clams, fake pearls are made from materials such as glass, plastic, or even coated beads. 

For some, artificial pearls can still be beautiful and serve as affordable alternatives for those who want the elegance of pearl jewelry without the cost associated with genuine pearls.

Different Types Of Pearl Jewelry

Touch & Feel Temperature  

One way to test if pearls are real is to touch them and feel the temperature. Initially, real pearls are cold to touch before warming up to your skin. Fake plastic pearls are usually room temperature and you don’t feel any coolness when you touch them. 

Keep in mind that fake ones that are made of glass beads can be cool to touch to start with. But it tends to take them longer to warm up against your skin than real pearls.

Look For Small Irregularities 

When you examine real pearls closely or under magnification, you’ll notice tiny irregularities and ridges on each pearl’s surface. In a strand of cultured pearls, you can always see very tiny differences between them, even when they are top quality and well-matched. If the pearls are completely perfect and identical in terms of shape, size, color, and surface characteristics, they are probably fake.

In addition, cultured and natural pearls reflect light differently from fake ones. The luster of fake pearls has a glassy look and is unnatural.

Observe The Shape 

Did you know that the majority of pearls are rarely round? Pearls come in different shapes including, round, near-round, oval, button, drop, and baroque.  

In general, a pearl shape is one of the major value factors when it comes to evaluating and pricing pearls. Round pearls are likely to receive a higher price than pearls of other shapes. But even with a strand of real pearl necklace that is perfectly round, you can still see some slight differences in their pearl shapes.

Keep in mind that if the pearls are completely identical, it’s probably a sign that they’re machine-made.

Pearl Shapes

Surface Test 

A surface test is simply checking the surface of the pearl for imperfections, irregularities, and unique characteristics. 

Real pearls have: 

  • Slight blemishes like tiny bumps 
  • Ridges
  • Rough and grainy textures

These are natural features and are known as “pearl growth indicators.” 

On the contrary, fake pearls tend to have perfectly smooth surfaces without any natural imperfections. It is often possible to determine whether a pearl is real or fake by carefully examining the surface texture.

Tooth Test 

When it comes to detecting fake pearls, the pearl tooth test is one of the most important methods. This text determines a pearl’s softness or durability.

For this test, you’ll simply take a pearl and lightly rub it against the biting edge of your teeth. A real pearl will feel gritty or slightly rough while a fake pearl will feel slippery and smooth. Some fake pearls will not even rub because they have been created using glass or synthetic materials.

Examine Color 

Both natural and cultured pearls often have an overtone, a translucent color that appears on the outer surface of a pearl. It is especially noticeable among fine-quality pearls. You’ll see a hint of pink or green over the main pearl color. A real pearl should have natural, unaltered color with a smooth surface and luster similar to a mother pearl’s natural color and brightness

A fake pearl will most likely have a discolored surface, have one color, and usually have a clear protective coating. As a result of the synthetic material used, it will appear duller than its true reflection. fake. 

Pearls Jewelry

Drill Hole Examination

Often, jewelers must drill directly into pearls to secure them in a setting or string them onto a necklace or bracelet. Examine these holes carefully – do you see any peeling, flaking, or chipped paint? Does that opening appear to be covered in dyes or coatings? 

You likely have fake pearls if this is the case. On the other hand, real pearls will have crisp and perfectly clean drill holes. 

Feel The Weight 

Another tried and tested method is to hold the pearls in your hand to feel their weight. Fake pearls are more commonly light, so you shouldn’t feel any significant weight. Authentic pearls do, however, have weight to them, so if they feel heavier than you expected, they are most likely real.


Why is the drill hole examination important?

Examining the drill hole in pearls is crucial because it can reveal the internal structure and material consistency, indicating whether the pearls are genuine or fake. Real pearls typically have a smooth, consistent drill hole, whereas fake ones may exhibit irregularities or signs of artificial manufacturing.

Are there any household items that can be used for authenticity testing?

Yes, some household items can be used for authenticity testing of pearls. These may include rubbing pearls against your teeth (real pearls should feel slightly gritty), checking them under a magnifying glass for surface irregularities, or testing their weight (real pearls are typically heavier than fake ones).

Can fake pearls pass the tooth test?

Yes, fake pearls can pass the tooth test to some extent. Some high-quality imitation pearls, such as glass or plastic beads coated with a pearl-like substance, may feel smooth and slightly gritty when rubbed against the teeth, mimicking the sensation of real pearls. However, the tooth test is not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with other authenticity tests for a more accurate assessment.

Do fake pearls always look perfect?

No, fake pearls don’t always look perfect. While some high-quality imitation pearls can closely resemble real pearls in appearance, others may exhibit noticeable imperfections such as irregular shapes, uneven surfaces, or inconsistencies in color and luster. These imperfections can sometimes help distinguish fake pearls from genuine ones upon close inspection.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Top Engagement Ring Tips From the Experts

Top Engagement Ring Tips From the Experts

Is it time to start ring shopping? Congratulations! Buying an engagement ring and gearing up for the proposal is truly an exciting time. Don’t know where to start? Scroll down for expert advice!

Top Engagement Ring Tips

We sat down with Sarah, one of James Allen’s senior customer service reps, to talk about some common questions she encounters on a daily basis from customers. Whether it’s about buying an engagement ring or making proposal plans, read on for her top engagement ring tips and more!

1. Shape Your Thoughts

When you’re just getting started, we recommend thinking about shape preference. ‘A round center stone is never going to go out of style, and it is by far the most popular shape,’ explains Sarah. If you don’t know where to begin, play it safe and go for a round center stone.

Oval cut and pear shaped diamonds are a great choice if you prefer something a bit more trendy.

Fancy Shaped Er

2. Timing Is Everything

When you’re thinking about the proposal, consider timelines and how long it takes to make your ring. ‘I always remind our customers to allow themselves enough time because all our rings are made to order,’ adds Sarah.

So, remember, whatever you choose, give yourself a few weeks before getting your hands on these gorgeous pieces.

3. Let’s Talk Budget

You may have heard about the ‘three-month salary rule’, but we believe you should determine how much you can comfortably spend overall. There are no set rules when it comes to how much money you should spend on an engagement ring.

Keep in mind that the price tags of an engagement ring can vary significantly, so it’s important to choose one that fits your budget.

‘Once we know what style the customer wants, the best-sellers are a good reference,’ adds Sarah. We have a wide selection of stunning options for every kind of budget and won’t break the bank.

Er Price Tags

Looking to sparkle and save? We teamed up with proposal expert Stacy Stahl to cover all your ring budget questions, including:

  1. How much should you spend on a ring?  
  2. Does bigger mean better? 
  3. How can you save money? 
  4. What’s the average amount spent?

Listen to her tips in the video below to find the best bling for your buck:

4. A Two-Way Street

Engagement ring shopping is usually a two-way street. ‘You should always keep your partner in the loop and follow their lead’ advises Sarah. Your partner is going to be wearing the ring every day, so make sure they love it!

If your significant other hints at something other than a classic solitaire, try something different like these vintage-inspired engagement rings.


What is most important when picking an engagement ring?

The most important characteristics you should pay attention to when buying an engagement ring are the diamond’s cut, color, weight, and clarity. A diamond’s price and appearance depend on these characteristics.

How can I make my engagement ring special?

There are many different and beautiful ways to make an engagement ring special. At we offer you the opportunity to design your dream ring using our Ring Studio.  And for an extra personal touch, you can also engrave a meaningful message (for free) on the inside of your engagement ring. 

How do you properly wear an engagement ring?

Despite there being no right or wrong way to wear an engagement ring, engagement rings are usually worn on the left ring finger. This is the most common choice, and in many western cultures, the wedding ring finger is traditionally said to be the fourth finger on the left hand. However, the “ring finger” is not the same in all cultures and countries. 

What should you not do when buying an engagement ring?

When it comes to engagement ring shopping, many people often make the same mistakes. To make sure both the engagement ring and the proposal moment are close to being perfect, it’s so important to keep these in mind:

  • Set a budget 
  • Do your homework and get all the information you can 
  • Check your partner’s ring size partner
  • Consider your partner’s personal style. 
  • Plan the proposal  

Happy Shopping

Looking for real-life proposal inspiration? Take a look at our customers’ engagement moments from all over the world.

You can also contact us if you need help finding your dream engagement ring. Our diamond and jewelry experts at are always available to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to assisting you!


Subscribe to our email list for access to secret sales, practical ring-buying tips, and $100 off your first purchase!


Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Best Diamond Alternatives For Your Engagement Ring

The Best Diamond Alternatives For Your Engagement Ring

Looking for an engagement ring without the traditional diamond center stone? We’re breaking down our list of stunning diamond alternatives for your dream ring!

Gemstones: Best Diamond Alternatives For Your Engagement Ring

What Is A Diamond Alternative?

A substitute for diamonds refers to any gemstone chosen in place of a diamond for an engagement ring or other high-quality jewelry. While many often associate diamond simulants, such as cubic zirconia, with alternatives, there is actually a diverse selection of gemstones that we suggest exploring as unique options for those seeking alternatives to traditional diamonds.

Let’s dive right in!

What Stones Are Comparable To A Diamond?

Moissanite or white sapphire is most comparable to diamonds. There are visible differences between these two gems and diamonds, but they’re the closest gems to resemble diamonds- in both look and fragility.

What Is The Substitute For A Diamond?

Whether you want a gem that looks like a diamond or something totally unique to traditional center stones, we guarantee these diamond alternatives are tough, worth the hype, and every bit as stunning as diamonds.

The Most Popular Diamond Substitute

If you choose to go with a non-diamond gemstone for an engagement ring, two of the most popular options are moissanite and sapphires. Moissanite is a top pick because it resembles diamonds in both look and hardness, but it will guarantee you save a pretty penny! Sapphires are also budget-friendly gems but offer more symbolism and you can choose between many colors.

Most Brilliant Diamond Alternative

Moissanite comes out on top for this option too. If you need to know anything about moissanite, it’s that this gemstone has incredible brilliance and a superior sparkle to diamonds. Moissanite stones come in every shape so you won’t be limited in your options for engagement ring and jewelry styles.

Most Inexpensive Gemstone Center Stone

In general, most gemstones are significantly cheaper than diamonds. The popularity of gemstones does differ, with emeralds, sapphires, and rubies being the most popular, and other gemstones gathering attention from people who associate them with their birth month.

Pros And Cons Of Choosing A Diamond Alternative


  • Your engagement ring will be totally unique
  • Diamond alternatives are typically more cost-effective
  • You have more variety to choose from


  • No gem is as durable as a diamond
  • The perceived value of a diamond is much higher than most gems
  • Most diamond alternatives lack the rarity of natural diamonds

Popular Natural Diamond & Gemstone Alternatives

Let’s take a look at our top selection of diamond alternatives for engagement rings and how they measure up to a natural diamond ring.

Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds aren’t exactly a typical diamond alternative since they’re real diamonds. However, they are a popular option for those who want a real diamond but simply prefer to get more diamonds for their buck.

Remember, if major sparkle and perfect durability are what you’re looking for, a lab diamond is the perfect option for you and your engagement ring budget.

Pear Shaped Lab Grown Diamond


We love moissanite. Why? Simply put, this gem sparkles like no other! This diamond alternative is by far the closest thing to a natural diamond, in appearance and durability. It’s a top choice for engagement ring buyers who want the look of a traditional engagement ring, but not the price tag.

Related Post: Moissanite 101: A Complete Guide

Diamond Engagement Rings


Emerald has a vibrant green color that is sure to make any engagement ring stand out from the crowd. This May birthstone goes perfectly with dark and light metals and offers a unique aesthetic to jewelry pieces.

Notably less durable than sapphires and diamonds, this gem still makes for a fine center stone, available in all shapes and sizes.

Green Emerald Engagement Ring


Did you know that sapphires come in all the colors of the rainbow? This is the September birthstone and one of the most famous gemstones for engagement rings.

With its romantic symbolism, high durability, and endless variety, it really is the perfect choice for a non-traditional engagement ring center stone.

Sapphire and diamond Ring


It’s hard to keep your eyes off of July’s birthstone, ruby, and for good reason. These precious gems showcase a rich red hue that has fascinated civilizations throughout history. Rubies aren’t only a symbol of love but also a representation of strength and courage.

This gem has become a popular choice for those who want a distinctive and meaningful gemstone for engagement rings.

Ruby engagement ring


Pearl engagement rings are a true testament to unique brides everywhere. The June birthstone is by far the most classic gem and makes up one of the few organic gemstones.

Pearls not only come in an array of colors but they have a unique luster and complexity that is sure to make your ring feel as special as your relationship.

Pearl Engagement Ring


October babies know this gem well. We’re talking about the gorgeous pinky peach gem called morganite. Known for its tranquil energy and symbolizing unconditional love, morganite captures the essence of romance and commitment.

With its gentle and warm tones, morganite offers a distinctive alternative to traditional center stones and looks good with all gold metals.

Morganite Ring


Are diamond substitutes more affordable than diamonds?

Yes, in general, diamond alternatives are often more affordable than traditional diamonds.

What ethical and environmental considerations come with choosing a diamond alternative?

The easiest way to know if your chosen gem is ethically sourced is to make sure your jeweler can provide authenticate certificates for your gem before purchase.

How do diamond alternatives compare in terms of durability and sparkle?

It’s true that there is no gem more durable than diamonds, however, many do come close on the Mohs hardness scale and some gems, like moissanite, have a superior sparkle to that of diamonds.



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Waterproof Jewelry Guide

Your Guide To Waterproof Jewelry & Essential Care Tips

Looking to buy the perfect waterproof jewelry? Whether you’re diving into the waves, sweating it out at the gym, or caught in the rain, we believe your jewelry should be able to withstand the elements without losing its sparkle or charm.

Waterproof Jewelry Guide

That’s why we’re jumping into waterproof jewelry to provide you with a few essential tips to keep your bling shining, no matter what adventures come your way.

What Makes Jewelry Waterproof? 

When it comes to water-resistant and waterproof jewelry, the key lies in the materials. Look for pieces made from robust metals like platinum, titanium, stainless steel, or gold.

These metals not only resist corrosion but also retain their shine even when exposed to water. Additionally, opt for gemstones known for their durability, such as diamonds, sapphires, and rubies, which can withstand the rigors of daily wear, including encounters with water.

Water-Resistant Metals

Let’s take a a look at popular metals and how they measure up in water: 

  • Silver: While stunning, silver jewelry is prone to tarnishing and may not fare well with prolonged water exposure.
  • Gold-Plated: Gold-plated jewelry may offer some water resistance initially, but the plating can wear off over time, leaving the base metal vulnerable.
  • Sterling Silver: Sterling silver jewelry is more durable than pure silver but still requires careful maintenance to prevent tarnishing.
  • Gold: Solid gold jewelry, particularly higher karat weights like 14k or 18k, offers better water resistance compared to gold-plated options.
  • Stainless Steel: Stainless steel jewelry is highly resistant to corrosion and maintains its shine even with frequent water exposure.
  • Titanium: Titanium jewelry is incredibly durable and lightweight, making it an excellent choice for water-resistant pieces.
  • Platinum: Known for its strength and resistance to tarnish, platinum jewelry is among the most water-resistant options available.
Engagement Wedding Ring In Water

Deciphering Waterproof Ratings

Just like your favorite water-resistant watch, jewelry comes with its own set of ratings to indicate its water resilience. These ratings range from basic splash resistance to complete submersion. Make sure to check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure your jewelry can handle the level of water exposure you plan to subject it to.

Caring for Your Jewelry

While waterproof jewelry is designed to withstand water exposure, it’s still essential to give it some TLC to keep it looking its best.

  1. After each wear, gently clean your jewelry with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or residue.
  2. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage delicate metals and gemstones. 
  3. For added protection, consider storing your jewelry in a dry, secure place when not in use.
Cleaning Jewelry

When To Remove Your Waterproof Jewelry 

While water-resistant and waterproof jewelry can handle a variety of environments, there are still instances where it’s best to remove your precious pieces to ensure their longevity, especially if it’s you’re engagement ring.

Chemical Exposure

Avoid wearing your jewelry when using household cleaners, swimming in chlorinated pools, or engaging in activities involving harsh chemicals. Chemicals can damage metals and gemstones, even those that are water-resistant.

Gym Workouts

While the materials in water-resistant jewelry are generally durable, the gym environment can expose your jewelry to sweat, moisture, and heavy impact. To protect your pieces, it’s best to remove them before hitting the gym.

Ocean Adventures

Saltwater, sand, and waves can be harsh on jewelry, especially pieces with intricate designs or delicate gemstones. To avoid potential damage or loss, it’s recommended to remove your jewelry before diving into the ocean.

Jewelry At The Beach

Heavy Impact Activities

During activities such as sports, gardening, or moving heavy objects, it’s advisable to remove your jewelry to prevent damage from impacts or excessive friction.


While some may prefer to keep their jewelry on at all times, removing it before bedtime can prevent accidental damage or discomfort caused by snagging on bedding or clothing.

Spa or Hot Tub Use

High temperatures and chemicals found in hot tubs or spa treatments can affect the integrity of your jewelry over time. It’s best to remove your pieces before indulging in these activities.

Taking Your Style to New Depths

From elegant diamond earrings to sleek titanium bands, there’s no shortage of water-resistant options to suit every style and occasion. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or hitting the beach, make a splash with jewelry that’s as stylish as it is functional. Explore our collection of waterproof pieces and dive into a world of endless possibilities.

Pear Shaped Ring


Can I wear my jewelry in salt water?

It’s not recommended to wear your jewelry in salt water. Going to the beach with you jewelry is already a risk, as it could slip off and get lost in the sand or ocean. On top of getting damaged by seawater.

How often should I clean my waterproof jewelry?

We recommend cleaning your jewelry after each wear to remove any dirt or residue. A gentle wipe with a soft cloth will keep your pieces looking their best.

Can I shower with my waterproof jewelry on?

Yes, our waterproof jewelry is designed to withstand exposure to water, including showers. Just be sure to avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage delicate metals and gemstones over time.

Will my waterproof jewelry tarnish over time?

While our waterproof jewelry is resistant to tarnishing, it’s essential to give it proper care and maintenance to ensure it stays looking its best. Follow our care instructions to keep your pieces sparkling for years to come.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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How To Design Custom Jewelry Online

How To Design Custom Jewelry Online

How To Design Custom Jewelry Online

Creating Customized Jewelry

Designing your own custom jewelry online is an exciting process and allows individuals to create personalized accessories by selecting materials, gemstones, and styles from the comfort of their homes. Through intuitive online platforms, customers can take an idea and, by visualizing their designs in real-time and making adjustments, translate that dream into a unique, perfectly tailored piece of jewelry.

At James Allen, you can design a one-of-a-kind engagement ring that’s true to your personality by customizing it with vibrant gemstones, colored diamonds, and a variety of metal alternatives, ensuring your ring is as unique as your love story. If you wish, we can create and design a unique engagement ring to your specifications, using state-of-the-art technology that brings your vision to life.

Exploring Customization Options

Choosing Your Base Piece

Selecting the ideal base piece is the first crucial step in customizing your jewelry, setting the tone for the entire design. This important choice involves deciding the form — such as a ring, necklace, or earrings. Another key step is deciding on the material that you want, which could range from various precious metals to different settings for gemstones. It’s essential to think about the jewelry’s intended use when choosing durability and design, whether it’s for everyday wear or special occasions.

Selecting the Perfect Diamond

Explore our extensive collection of over 500,000 certified, conflict free lab or earth created diamonds in stunning 360° HD and up to 40x SuperZoom. You can also receive free, personalized diamond consultation from our certified gemologist to ensure you make the perfect choice. Our Real-Time Diamond Inspection is a game-changer for online ring shoppers, this allows you to view and inspect loose diamonds instantly.

Simply browse the diamonds you’re interested in alongside one of our professionals by scheduling a consultation. Ask questions, mark points of interest on the screen while chatting with your diamond expert in real-time, and review everything from the diamond specs to the grading certificate together, all while finding the ideal diamond tailored to your budget.

Our wide range of loose diamonds also includes a TrueHearts™ collection of cut-to-perfection lab grown diamonds.

Personalizing with Precious Metals

Choosing the right metal for your engagement ring is a crucial part of the ring design process. It’s also important to choose a metal you love, but it’s got to love you back. While it’s essential to choose a metal that resonates with your taste, it should also stand up to daily wear. Let’s explore the options available to you:

Yellow gold (14k or 18k)

White gold (14k or 18k)

Rose gold (14k)


Yellow Gold:

Available in 14k and 18k, yellow gold is the most common metal choice. Versatile and easy to maintain, it appeals to those who adore its rich appearance and hue. Yellow gold looks great on just about every skin tone and is perfect for those who prefer a traditional and timeless look.

White Gold:

Available in 14k or 18k, white gold has the look of platinum, but at a more affordable cost! This beautiful and classic metal color makes it perfect for everyday wear.

Rose Gold:

If you’re looking for something unique yet romantic, this is the one for you. Available in 14k, Rose gold is more durable than both white gold and yellow gold, while boasting a similar price point. Its distinctive pink hue offers a fresh and contemporary alternative to other metals.

It’s important to note that rose gold gets its beautiful coloring from a blend of gold, copper, and silver.  While copper contributes to rose gold’s affordability and durability, it’s not hypoallergenic. So, anyone with copper allergies should avoid rose gold.


A naturally white metal and a luxe choice. Platinum offers both eye-catching beauty and value. It’s also known for its durability and hypoallergenic properties. The positive qualities of platinum are reflected in its price, which makes it one of the more expensive options.

Designing Your Custom Jewelry

The Ring Studio is a new feature at that allows you nearly unlimited customization options for engagement rings. Jump into the designer’s seat and take full creative control of the entire process. Create a custom engagement ring, from scratch by hand-picking your favorite setting from a range of over 100 options. Then browse through our gorgeous array of ring styles! From timeless solitaires to vintage elegance, embrace the allure of sparkling pavés, radiant side stones, and so much more

You also get to pick the metal of the ring’s head and shank, complete with your specific center diamond or gemstone. Or, tweak a James Allen design you love to make it even better.

Remember: Some baskets, bands, and stone shapes aren’t necessarily compatible with one another. For example, only certain stone shapes will fit into certain baskets. If your heart is set on a specific combination that’s not available in the Ring Studio, contact our 24/7 customer service team to request a custom ring. You can count on them to do everything they can to meet your expectations.

Adding Unique Engravings

Did you know that we offer free engraving on most of our engagement rings and wedding bands. The option of engraving will be presented to you during checkout if it is available for your selection.

Personal ring engravings can be any alphanumeric combination up to 20 characters in length. Looking for inspiration? Consider engraving your engagement ring or wedding band with your anniversary date, an expression of your love, your initials, or a phrase with a special meaning that only you two understand! 

Three diamond engagement rings with engravings

Related blog post: Engagement Ring Engraving Ideas 

Finalizing Your Custom Creation

Virtual Try-On

You’ve designed the ring and you know it fits your heart, but what about your finger? Believe it or not, technological innovation is making that worry a thing of the past. See how your design will look in real life with our Virtual Try-On feature, straight from your smartphone.

We’re firm believers that your ring-trying experience should align with your way of life. For such a significant purchase as an engagement ring, it is vital that you try it on and get a feel for it before committing to it. So, how does this make buying an engagement ring online more convenient? Simply take a photo of your hand, and virtually slide on the ring you’re eyeing eliminating any second-guessing you might have. And really, what tops the luxury of sampling an infinite array of rings whenever, wherever you want?

Virtual Try On Feature

360° Viewing

Thanks to our Diamond Display Technology™ you can explore your diamond’s cut, color, clarity, and sparkle in 360° HD views and up to 40x magnification so you can truly understand your diamond’s features. Our Diamond Display Technology™ gives you a detailed and fully immersive experience to help you understand your diamond’s quality. Additionally, you can browse our wide range of fancy-colored diamonds and natural gemstones for an exotic alternative to colorless diamonds.

Why Should You Customize Your Jewelry Online

Customizing your jewelry online offers unparalleled convenience, allowing you to design and refine your piece from the comfort of your home. James Allen offers access to a vast array of design options, materials, and gemstones, at competitive prices. Furthermore, with the help of cutting-edge visualization tools, technology, and consultations with gemologists and diamond specialists, you’re guaranteed a distinct and superior-quality piece that reflects your individual aesthetic and aspirations.

A Happy Couple Sit Together Looking On Her Diamond Ring

What Is the Cost of Customizing Jewelry Online

As there are many factors involved when customizing jewelry online, the cost varies widely. This is often based on things such as the quality of gemstones or diamonds, type of metal, and the intricacy of the design. In order to ensure transparency and budget alignment, you should obtain a detailed estimate from one of our experts before finalizing any design.

Is It Cheaper to Customize Your Jewelry Online

Customizing your jewelry online can often be more affordable than traditional methods, mainly because of the reduced overhead costs associated with physical stores. Most online platforms have direct access to a variety of suppliers, allowing for competitive pricing of gemstones and other materials. With no middlemen involved, customers often pay a fraction of what they would at a brick-and-mortar jeweler. Additionally, you can compare prices instantly online to ensure you’re getting the best deal on your customized piece.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Customizing Your Jewelry Online

Like anything, customizing jewelry online comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s uncover the various pros and cons to help you navigate the digital creation of your unique adornments.

Pros of Online Customization

  • Convenience: Online customization offers the ease of designing and ordering personalized jewelry from the comfort of one’s home, eliminating the need for physical store visits.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: With lower operational costs than physical stores, online platforms can offer more competitive pricing and easy price comparisons for custom jewelry.
  • Real-Time Visualization: Advanced technology on many online platforms enables 3D rendering and virtual try-ons, allowing customers to view and modify their designs in real time. Customers can achieve a clearer and more detailed view of the diamond online than with the naked eye. 
  • Personalized Experience: Online platforms often store previous designs and preferences, enabling a more tailored shopping experience and making it simpler to create new pieces that align with your personal style and needs. 
  • Eco-Friendly Options: Many online jewelers offer sustainable materials and ethically sourced gemstones, allowing environmentally conscious customers to create a piece of jewelry that aligns with their values.
  • Extensive Selection: We offer an unmatched array of jewelry collections. From engagement rings to men’s and women’s wedding bands, diamond masterpieces, precious metal creations, and rare loose diamonds – our expansive selection outshines what conventional jewelry stores offer!

Cons of Online Customization

  • Shipping Risks: Jewelry needs to be shipped after being ordered, which can cause delays, loss, or damage, depending on how reliable the courier service is.
  • Overwhelming Options: For some customers, online shopping can seem overwhelming with so many choices and design options to choose from.
  • Digital Misrepresentation: Sometimes, photographs and digital representations do not always capture the true color, brilliance, or subtleties of gemstones and metals. This can lead to a final product that does not meet the customer’s expectations.


Can I see a physical sample of my custom design before purchasing?

Each ring is handcrafted at the time of purchase. When you select a center stone and setting, you will see a Computer-aided design of your design (with the general shape of your center stone) If there are any recently purchased ring videos we have to share, that will be available for you as well. Please keep in mind that the CAD shown and recently purchased videos are not representative of your exact ring and center stone details.

Can I make changes to my design after placing the order?

Yes! Our customer service team is happy to assist with exchange requests before your design has shipped if you have a change of heart. Keep in mind that any changes to the setting or even just the center stone will require the production process to start over, so be prepared to wait a little longer for your order to ship. Fully custom designs are non-refundable and once the order starts production, we are limited to what changes can be made.

Additionally, changes to engravings or ring sizes may also delay an order beyond the original projected completion date.

We’re Here To Help

Finding the perfect engagement ring, diamond pendant or diamond studs can come with stress, questions, and a lot of second-guessing. At James Allen, we offer you 100% free advice and will assist you in understanding the best diamond quality for your budget and unique preferences. 

Contact our highly rated customer service team and chat with non-commissioned diamond and jewelry experts 24-7 regarding any questions you have about buying an engagement ring online and the process around it.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Moissanite 101 A Complete Guide

Moissanite 101: A Complete Guide

Interested in moissanite but not too sure about the gem? We’ve got your complete guide on this gorgeous diamond substitute.

Moissanite 101 A Complete Guide

What Is Moissanite?

Moissanite has a different chemical makeup from natural and lab grown diamonds. While a diamond is pure carbon, moissanite is both silica and carbon. As a result, Moissanite sparkles differently and is slightly less hard than diamond. In terms of appearance, it does look nearly identical to a diamond and sparkles even more. 

Natural moissanite is incredibly rare, so most moissanite available today is created in laboratories. Moissanite is often referred to as a diamond simulant and sold as a substitute, giving the illusion of similarity to diamonds.

How Is Moissanite Made?

The basic process of making moissanite involves the same pressure and heat, similar to what is needed when it’s formed in nature. Silicon carbide powder is heated enough to become a gas. Then, through a carefully monitored process, the right chemical and environmental conditions are created to allow the moissanite to grow. This process can take a few months.

Moissanite Shapes

The History & Origins Of Moissanite

Henri Moissan was the first person to identify these stones in 1893 in a crater caused by a meteorite in Canyon Diablo, Arizona. At first, he believed he’d found diamonds, it was only 11 years later that he discovered the stones had a different chemical makeup and were, in fact, natural silicon carbide.

Nowadays, since these stones are so rare, most moissanite gems are created in controlled lab environments using advanced technology. Moissanites require absolutely no mining to produce, making their origins easily traceable. 

Why Choose A Moissanite Engagement Ring?

Moissanite is appealing to modern jewelry buyers for several stellar reasons, but is it the best option for an engagement ring? Let’s count all the ways why moissanite may be the best option for your dream ring. 

Exceptional Brilliance

Moissanite exhibits remarkable sparkle and fire, often surpassing that of diamonds. Its high refractive index results in a dazzling play of light.


Moissanite is a cost-effective alternative to diamonds, allowing you to allocate your budget wisely. You can get a larger and more eye-catching stone for your money.


Moissanite ranks high on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it suitable for everyday wear. It is resistant to scratching, chipping, and breaking.


Moissanite is a distinct gem with its own characteristics, offering a unique and captivating choice. It stands as a symbol of your individuality and style.

Color Options

Moissanite comes in various colors, including colorless (D-F) and near-colorless (G-H), allowing you to select the perfect hue for your ring.


Moissanite engagement rings offer versatile design options, enabling you to create a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects your personality and love story.

Proven Quality

Moissanite has been extensively tested for its quality and performance, ensuring you receive a beautiful and enduring gem.


By choosing moissanite, you contribute to the avoidance of potential conflict associated with diamond mining.

Low Maintenance

Moissanite requires minimal care to maintain its brilliance, making it a practical choice for busy lifestyles.

Moissanite Vs Diamond comparison chart

What Are The Qualities Of Moissanite?

Moissanite vs Diamond: Color

Moissanite comes in colorless, near-colorless, and yellow/green shades. This is perfect if you’re looking for a more traditional-looking center stone. On the other hand, diamonds come in every color under the rainbow. You will have no trouble finding an affordable white or fancy color lab diamond.

Moissanite vs Diamond: Price

Moissanite certainly has an advantage over diamonds in terms of price. If you choose to go with a moissanite engagement ring, you’ll pay almost four times less than that of a lab grown diamond ring. If you’re looking to maximize your budget and the size of your center stone, a moissanite ring may be the best option.

Moissanite vs Diamonds: Durability

A gemstone’s durability is measured using the Mohs hardness scale. FYI, diamonds are the hardness substance on earth, rating a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale! 

Moissanite doesn’t do too badly either, coming in a close second at 9.25 on the scale. This means your moissanite ring will remain clear and unscratched. In fact, the only thing hard enough to scratch it would be a diamond.

Moissanite vs Diamonds

Moissanite Pros And Cons

Moissanite Pros

  • Budget-Friendly. Moissanite is cheaper than diamonds, making it an attractive option for budget shoppers. It has many similarities with diamonds, such as being high in fire and brilliance. To the untrained eye, it looks like a diamond. Some married couples have opted for moissanite wedding rings because it’s less expensive while remaining durable and beautiful.
  • Inclusions Aren’t Visible to the Naked Eye. Diamonds in which inclusions aren’t visible to the naked eye are usually more expensive than those that don’t have inclusions visible to the naked eye for obvious reasons. When you shop for moissanite, you don’t have to worry about making a choice between a gemstone with inclusions and a gemstone without inclusions. Moissanite doesn’t have inclusions visible to the naked eye. This eases the buying process and helps you save money as well.
  • Exceptional Brilliance. Part of a diamond’s appeal is how sparkly it is. Moissanite is also sparkly due to its high level of brilliance. Many people are surprised to find out that moissanite has a higher refractive index than diamonds. Thus, if sparkle is important to you in the gemstone you want to buy, moissanite is a good option. It rivals the sparkle of diamonds.

Moissanite Cons

  • It’s Not a Diamond – The biggest drawback of moissanite has nothing to do with its durability, sparkle, or clarity. It’s that moissanite isn’t a diamond. Many people view a diamond ring as a necessity in marriage. You may have to deal with some ridicule if you and your spouse opt for a moissanite ring instead of a diamond one. Even when it comes to other jewelry, others can be judgmental about someone with moissanite jewelry because they view it as an alternative to diamonds.
  • Not As Valuable as a Diamond. If owning valuable or expensive jewelry is important to you, then moissanite might not be a better option than diamonds right now. Although they are stronger than diamonds and have higher fire and brilliance, consumers don’t view them as valuable as diamonds. Due to the rules of supply and demand, diamonds are still more valuable and expensive. People are willing to pay more for a diamond despite its slightly weaker characteristics.

How To Clean Your Moissanite Ring At Home

Jewelry maintenance doesn’t need to cost you a lot but it is important if you want to maintain that shine you love. Try out our DIY cleaning tips for moissanite engagement rings and other moissanite jewelry.

How To Clean Moissanite Ring


Is moissanite a fake diamond?

Moissanite is not a fake diamond, but rather a distinct gemstone composed of silicon carbide. While it shares some visual similarities with diamonds, it has its own unique properties and characteristics.

Is moissanite a real gemstone?

Moissanite is absolutely a real gemstone. Composed of silicon carbide, moissanite is a popular diamond alternative due to its many visual similarities.

Will moissanite pass a diamond test?

Moissanite typically won’t pass a traditional diamond test, such as a thermal conductivity test or a diamond tester, as it has different thermal and electrical conductivity properties than natural diamonds.

Is moissanite affordable?

Moissanite stones are generally more affordable than diamonds due to differences in rarity and production costs. Natural diamonds are scarce, whereas moissanite can be created in laboratories, making it more cost-effective.

Can you shower with moissanite?

Yes, you can shower with moissanite jewelry. Moissanite is a durable gemstone that can withstand exposure to water and mild detergents. However, it’s important to avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners, as they can potentially damage the metal settings or diminish the gemstone’s brilliance over time.

Is moissanite ethical?

Moissanite is often considered an ethical gemstone option. This is likely because most moissanite is lab grown since naturally occurring moissanite is very rare. This controlled environment is largely considered to be conflict-free and without ethical concerns that can be associated with gemstones that are mined from the earth.

The Verdict on Moissanite

Moissanite is a remarkable gemstone that has gained popularity for its striking brilliance, durability, and affordability. While it may resemble diamonds, it possesses unique qualities that set it apart. So why not invest in your dream moissanite engagement ring or fine jewelry today? 

Still have questions about this gem? Feel free to contact our exceptional customer service team, available 24/7!



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Diamond Price

Diamond Price: A Guide To Buying Diamonds

Understanding what factors influence diamond price is so important to know before you make an investment or purchase. We know it’s not an easy decision, and so we’ve created this guide to help you understand the key elements of buying diamonds along with helpful tips to make your journey as simple as possible.

Diamond Price

Factors Influencing Diamond Price

Not all diamonds are created equal. There are ideal features you should know to look out for and certain characteristics you want to avoid. Get your notepad ready and let’s start getting into buying diamonds 101. 

Carat Weight and Diamond Cost

Naturally, the bigger the carat the higher the cost. But it’s important to remember the following things when trying to save money on a larger diamond: 

  1. Not all diamond shapes with the same carat weight look equal in size. E.g. A one carat oval cut diamond will look larger than a one carat round cut diamond.
  2. Lab grown diamonds are three times less expensive than natural diamonds so you can afford to go bigger with a lab diamond and remain within your budget.

Diamond Cuts Impact on Price

Diamond cut is graded from poor to excellent- most folks will aim for a “very good” cut grade. The cut of the diamond impacts the price because the cut essentially influences every other aspect (the 4Cs) of a diamond’s overall grading. 

The better the cut grade the higher the price. Our experts suggest that you never compromise on cuts. Even a lower color, carat, and clarity grade diamond will still sparkle with brilliance and luster if the cut grade is high. 

Different diamond cuts and shapes

Clarity and Diamond Price

A diamond’s clarity is determined by its internal and external imperfections. There are diamonds with more imperfections than others, and even some that are flawless. Larger imperfections lower the price of a diamond, whereas fewer to no imperfections cause the price and value of the diamond to rise. 

But don’t be afraid of the word imperfections or blemishes. These flaws are usually not obvious to the naked eye and can only be seen under microscopes or a jeweler’s loupe. 

Remember the clarity grades:

  • Flawless (FL)
  • Internally Flawless (IF)
  • Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2)
  • Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2)
  • Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2)
  • Included (I1, I2, and I3)

Generally, diamonds in the Very Slightly Included (VS) and Slightly Included (SI) categories tend to offer good value for money. 

Color Grading and Its Effect on Diamond Cost

The color grade of a diamond significantly affects its cost. Diamond color is graded on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown), with D being the most valuable. 

The more colorless a diamond appears, the higher its value. Near colorless diamonds are also popular and offer a good balance between quality and cost. Lower-grade diamonds are generally more affordable, but the choice between color grades depends on personal preferences and the desired balance between diamond quality and budget constraints. 

Diamond color grade

How to Buy Diamonds at the Right Price

Now the hard part – how do you buy the diamond of your dreams (or one close to that) for the right price. First, there are some things you should decide on before you go about choosing your diamond.

  1. What diamond shape do you prefer? 
  2. Do you want a natural diamond or a lab grown diamond?
  3. Do you prefer to buy your diamond online or in-store?
  4. What setting type and metal color do you want to pair your diamond with?
  5. Your lifestyle 

It’ll be easier to know what type of diamond you want and how much you’re willing to spend once you have a better understanding of the above preferences. Our experts suggest that you mention this to a diamond consultant/jewelry before you look at diamonds. 

P.S.: Did you know that offers free real-time diamond inspections and consultations?  

Setting a Budget for Your Diamond

This next step is key. Having a budget in mind makes it that much easier to understand what diamond price you’ll be happy with. It will also help the jeweler find you the best diamond for your budget and your or your partner’s preferences. 

On average – a basic diamond engagement ring costs anywhere from $1500-$4000. Check out our TikTok page to see just how to create your ideal engagement ring on a budget! 

Diamond budget

Understanding Diamond Certification

Think of your diamond certification as its very own birth certificate. Getting the proper diamond certification is essential, not only to know that you’ve purchased a real and conflict-free diamond but also in case of resale and insurance. 

Many organizations offer different diamond certificates but some of the most recognizable and popular are GIA (Gemological Institute of America), IGI (International Gemological Institute), AGS (American Gem Society Laboratories), and European Gemological Institute.) 

Never purchase a diamond that doesn’t come with a reputable diamond certification. 

Comparing Diamond Prices

Diamond Price Per Carat Chart

Negotiating Diamond Prices

If you’re going to a jeweler and have the opportunity to buy your diamond straight from the market try these negotiating tips: 

Research Rapaport Prices: Read the weekly Rapaport Diamond Report to understand average wholesale prices for diamonds.

Compare Multiple Quotes: Get quotes from different jewelers and compare them to Rapaport values for similar diamonds and use this information as a negotiation tool.

Use the 4Cs Strategically: Leverage your knowledge of the 4Cs to negotiate your diamond price.

Ask About Diamond Characteristics: Inquire about specific diamond features and negotiate based on any imperfections or characteristics that may affect its value.

Build a Positive Relationship: Establish a good relationship with the jeweler, that way they will want to give you the best diamond price possible.

Be Prepared to Walk Away: Be willing to walk away if negotiations don’t meet your expectations.


What Factors Affect the Price of a 1 Carat Diamond?

The 4Cs affect the price of a diamond – carat weight, clarity, color, and cut. So make sure you research these before buying your diamond. 

What Is the Average Diamond Price Per Carat?

The average price of a diamond per carat depends on several factors. Check out our detailed diamond price comparison chart above! 

Can I Find Affordable Diamond Prices Online?

Of course! Most online diamond retailers offer lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds at affordable prices (and oftentimes these diamonds are on sale several times throughout the year.) 

How Can I Ensure I’m Getting the Best Diamond Price?

Do your research- compare diamond prices at different jewelers- online and in-store. 


We have this guide that has answered some of your diamond-buying questions, or at least opened your eyes to the topic of diamond price and how to buy them! If you’re still unsure and want to chat with a professional – take full advantage of our 24/7 diamond consultants at today! 



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Simulant Diamonds Vs. Lab Created Diamonds

Simulant Diamonds Vs. Lab Grown Diamonds: What’s The Difference?

Wondering which affordable stone to choose for your engagement ring or next piece of jewelry? We’ll walk you through all there is to know about simulant diamonds vs. lab grown diamonds and help you make the best choice for your budget and preferences!

Simulant Diamonds Vs. Lab Created Diamonds

What Are Diamonds?

Before we dive into the world of simulants and lab grown diamonds, let’s get to know the star of the show – diamonds themselves. Diamonds are precious gemstones formed deep within the Earth’s mantle under immense pressure and heat. They are renowned for their exceptional hardness, brilliance, and timeless beauty. 

What Are Simulated Diamonds?

Simulant diamonds, often referred to as diamond simulants, are gemstones that mimic the appearance of natural diamonds but are composed of different materials. These stones are crafted to imitate the sparkle and allure of genuine diamonds.

Loose diamonds and simulants

Simulant Diamonds vs. Lab Grown Diamonds: Factors To Consider


Simulant diamonds closely resemble natural diamonds in terms of their appearance. They possess remarkable brilliance and clarity, making them visually indistinguishable from their natural counterparts to the naked eye.


One significant advantage of simulant diamonds is their affordability. They are generally more budget-friendly compared to natural and lab diamonds, making them an attractive option for those seeking a diamond-like aesthetic without the hefty price tag.


From an ethical standpoint, simulants are conflict-free. Since they are not mined, they do not contribute to the ethical concerns associated with the diamond industry, such as blood diamonds.

Examples of Diamond Simulants

  1. Cubic Zirconia
  2. Moissanite
  3. White Sapphire
  4. Rutile

How Are Simulant Diamonds Created?

Stones like moissanite and cubic zirconia are created using a method called crystal synthesis. In this process, scientists replicate the conditions found deep within the Earth’s mantle, where natural gemstones are formed.

By heating and cooling specific chemical compounds, they can generate crystals with properties resembling those of diamonds or other precious stones, making them popular choices for jewelry due to their brilliance and affordability.

Pros of Diamond Simulants

  • Affordability: Simulant diamonds offer an affordable alternative to natural diamonds, allowing more people to enjoy their beauty.
  • Conflict-Free: They are ethically sound, contributing to peace of mind for conscientious buyers.
  • Appearance: Simulants like moissanite have even more sparkling brilliance than diamonds.

Cons of Diamond Simulants

  • Durability: Simulants are not as durable as natural or lab created diamonds, which means they may scratch or lose their luster over time.
  • Authenticity: While mimicking the appearance, simulants lack the intrinsic value and rarity of natural diamonds.
diamond and simulant jewelry

Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab created diamonds, also known as lab grown or synthetic diamonds, are a product of advanced scientific processes that replicate the natural diamond formation process. They are created in controlled environments, such as laboratories, rather than being extracted from the Earth’s crust.


Lab diamonds are virtually identical to natural diamonds in terms of appearance. They possess the same brilliance, fire, and optical characteristics that make diamonds so captivating.


Compared to natural diamonds, lab grown diamonds are more affordable. While they may not be as inexpensive as simulants, they still offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional diamonds.


One of the key ethical advantages of lab diamonds is their environmentally friendly production. They have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to mined diamonds and do not contribute to harmful mining practices.

Pros of Lab Grown Diamonds

  • Quality: They offer the same high-quality appearance and durability as natural diamonds.
  • Value: Lab grown diamonds provide excellent value for their cost, making them an attractive option for buyers.
  • Conflict-Free: They are ethically sound, contributing to peace of mind for conscientious buyers.
  • Versatility: They come in all fancy color diamond options

Cons of Lab Grown Diamonds

  • Perceived Value: Some individuals may still value natural diamonds more due to their rarity and tradition.
  • Initial Cost: While more affordable than natural diamonds, lab created diamonds may have a higher initial cost than simulants.
loose fancy shaped diamonds and a diamond engagement ring

Simulant Diamonds vs. Lab Grown Diamonds: Comparing Durability

When choosing a diamond, durability is a crucial factor to consider. Let’s take a closer look at how simulant diamonds vs. lab created diamonds compare in terms of their ability to withstand daily wear and tear.

Simulant Diamonds

When it comes to durability, simulant diamonds, while dazzling in appearance, have limitations. These stones are generally much softer than natural and lab created diamonds, which means they can be more susceptible to scratches and abrasions. However, moissanite is an exception here, with a hardness closer to diamonds at 9.5 on the Mohs scale.

Lab Grown Diamonds

On the other hand, lab diamonds share the exceptional durability of natural diamonds. Their hardness on the Mohs scale is identical to that of natural diamonds, making them highly resistant to scratching and damage.

The Mohs Scale of Hardness

The Science Behind Lab Grown Diamonds

The creation of lab grown diamonds is a marvel of modern science. To appreciate these gems fully, let’s delve into the intricate processes and advanced technologies that bring them to life.

Lab diamonds are grown through two primary methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).

High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT)

In the HPHT method, scientists recreate the extreme conditions found deep within the Earth’s mantle, where natural diamonds form. Carbon atoms are subjected to high pressure (over a million pounds per square inch) and high temperature (around 2,200 degrees Celsius).

Under these intense conditions, carbon atoms arrange themselves into the crystal structure of a diamond. Over time, a diamond crystal grows layer by layer.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

The CVD process involves placing a small diamond seed in a sealed chamber filled with a carbon-rich gas, such as methane. When the gas is heated to extreme temperatures, carbon atoms are released and bond to the diamond seed, causing it to grow. This method allows more precise control over the diamond’s growth and purity.

The result of these scientific processes is a lab grown diamond that possesses the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. They are indistinguishable from natural diamonds even under close inspection.

loose fancy shaped diamonds with tweezers and a loupe

Simulant Diamonds vs. Lab Grown Diamonds: Choosing Your Stone

Now that you have a clearer understanding of simulant diamonds vs. lab diamonds, we’ll break down the reasons why you should choose these stones:

Natural Diamond:

  1. You love diamond’s sparkle
  2. You’ll wear your diamond jewelry often
  3. You admire the billions of years of history contained in each stone

Lab Grown Diamond:

  1. You love diamond’s sparkle
  2. You’ll wear your diamond jewelry often
  3. You want a large diamond at a lower price


  1. You’re on a budget
  2. You like small-carat stones
  3. You’ll wear your jewelry intensively

Cubic Zirconia:

  1. You’re on a budget
  2. You’ll wear your jewelry carefully and not every day
  3. You’re saving up for a more expensive stone

Choosing the stone that suits your lifestyle is an important part of designing meaningful jewelry that will last you throughout your life. And if you choose to buy either lab-created diamonds or earth-created diamonds, you can choose from 1000’s of beautiful options at James Allen.


Are simulated diamonds worth anything?

Simulated diamonds have value primarily in their aesthetic appeal. They are not as valuable as natural or lab created diamonds from a monetary standpoint.

Is a simulated diamond good quality?

Simulated diamonds are crafted to mimic the quality of natural diamonds in terms of appearance. However, they lack the intrinsic hardness and longevity of natural or lab diamonds.

Is a simulated diamond a cubic zirconia?

No, simulated diamonds are not the same as cubic zirconia. While cubic zirconia is a popular diamond simulant, simulants can be made from various materials, including moissanite and white sapphire.


As we wrap up this sparkling exploration of simulant diamonds vs. lab grown diamonds, it’s clear that both options offer unique advantages. Simulants provide an affordable and ethically sound option for those who desire the appearance of diamonds.

While lab created diamonds offer a sustainable, high-quality alternative. The choice ultimately comes down to individual preferences and priorities.



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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High Karat Gold: The Complete Guide To Understanding Gold Quality

High Karat Gold: The Complete Guide To Understanding Gold Quality

Since 2006, as a leading e-commerce jewelry and loose diamond retailer, we’ve had the privilege of helping numerous customers deepen their understanding of gold jewelry.

From Karat to Carat, and the measurement of the purity of gold, it’s totally understandable they can all be confusing. Ready to learn more about high karat gold? Let’s dive right in!

Gold Jewelry

What is a Karat?

Karat is outlined as a measurement of the purity of gold. In the world of fine jewelry, understanding gold’s purity is essential. 

Think of 24 karat (24K) gold as nature’s gold, untouched and pure with no other metals. While 18 karat (18K) gold is 75% of that pristine gold, blended with 25% of other fine metals. There’s also 14 karat (14K) gold, which contains 58.3% gold and 41.7% other alloys. Lastly, 10 karat (10K) gold, is often considered to be the least pure gold on the market for ‘gold jewelry’. Gold accounts for 41.7% of its composition, while other metals make up 58.3%.

At, we believe in precision and authenticity. While these percentages do vary slightly, it’s important to remember that this may be the case as jewelers perfect their craft finding the perfectly toned metal that works best for them. However, any gold jewelry labeled with a specific karat will closely align with the standards set by the millesimal fineness chart.

What’s the Difference Between Karat and Carat?

“Karat” and “Carat” are two terms that are often confused with one another. For a better understanding, keep scrolling.

PurposeMeasures the purity of goldMeasure the weight of gemstones or diamonds
UsagePrimarily in the jewelry industry to indicate the purity of goldUsed globally in the gemstone and jewelry industry to denote the size of diamonds and other gemstones.
Representation“K” as in 24K for pure gold“Ct” or “ct” to denote weight, e.g., 2 ct diamond
Fun FactThe higher the karat, the purer the goldMost diamonds lose the majority of their carats in the process of being cut.

Gold Terms to Know

Karat (K): A unit of measurement used to express the purity of gold in an alloy. Pure gold is 24 karats, while alloys are represented as fractions of 24.

Alloy: A mixture of two or more metals, often used in combination with gold to enhance its properties like strength and color.

Hallmark: A stamped mark on gold items that indicates their purity and authenticity, usually accompanied by the karatage (e.g., “18K”).

Assay: The process of analyzing the composition of a metal to determine its purity.

Fining: A process used to remove impurities from gold by melting it with substances like borax or saltpeter.

Malleability: The property of gold that allows it to be hammered, rolled, or shaped without breaking.

Gold Plating: The process of depositing a thin layer of gold onto the surface of another metal through electroplating.

Refining: The process of purifying raw gold through various chemical and physical processes to remove impurities.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of High Karat Gold?

The allure of high karat gold is undeniable, but how does it fare in practical terms? Let’s unravel some of the advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages Disadvantages
Contains fewer alloy metalsGenerally more expensive
Has a rich and vibrant hue Prone to scratches and dents
Pure gold does not tarnish or corrodeUsually requires frequent polishing and reshaping due to its softness
Unlikely to cause allergic reactionsMore challenging to resize compared to lower carat jewelry pieces

How to Choose the Best Karat for You

When choosing your gold jewelry karat, it’s important to think about your style and the item’s function. For pieces such as engagement or wedding rings, you’ll want 18K gold at the very least due to the balance between its purity and durability. Since we use our hands on a daily basis, it’s easy for rings to be scuffed on a daily basis. 

In contrast, when it comes to jewelry items that are less susceptible to damage, such as earrings or pendants, it’s entirely reasonable to indulge in 24K designs. These pieces usually rest gently on the body, minimizing the risks of scratches or dents.

Related blog post: 14K Gold vs. 18K Gold: What’s The Difference And Which “K”  Is Right For You?

What Is Gold Purity?

Gold purity refers to the proportion of actual gold content within a given item or alloy. It is an important metric in the jewelry industry that helps to indicate the quality and value of a gold piece. 

This purity is commonly measured in two main ways: first through the karat system, which scales from 1 to 24 (with 24 karats indicating pure gold), and the millesimal fineness, which is measured in parts per thousand. For instance, in the karat system, 18K gold signifies that the alloy is made up of 18 parts gold and 6 parts other metals. 

Understanding gold purity helps consumers gauge the authenticity, value, and quality of their gold possessions.

A model wearing an array of gold jewelry

What Is the Difference Between Pure and High Karat Gold?

Each piece of jewelry is characterized by its karat or the amount of pure gold used. Pure or 24-karat gold is 100% pure gold. And, high karat gold refers to any piece with more than ten karats of pure gold. Generally, high-end jewelry is made with at least 10K gold.

What Is the Highest Karat of Gold?

The highest karat of gold is 24K gold. 24-karat gold is 100% pure and does not contain any other metals. This makes it the purest gold available, meaning, it has zero impurities and is usually softer than lower karats such as 10K and 14K.

As we mentioned previously, gold comes in various karat levels, indicating its purity. The higher the karat, the less the metal is mixed with other metals during refinement. While 24K gold has the highest purity, its ability to bend restricts its use in jewelry pieces like wedding bands, especially when detailed designs or subtle curves are desired. On the other hand, 10K gold, comprising of 41.7% pure gold, is celebrated for its durability and is frequently chosen for crafting jewelry.

Does a Higher Karat Mean Higher Quality Gold?

You may have heard that 24K gold is the “highest” karat gold. But high karat doesn’t directly translate to higher quality. But let’s break it all down for you. It does mean that 24K gold has more actual gold in it compared to, say, 14K or 10K. That makes it more valuable, sure, but not always “better” for every purpose. 

Here’s why: 24K gold is super soft. Imagine trying to make a sculpture with soft clay versus firm clay. The softer it is, the trickier it gets. That’s why you don’t see a lot of jewelry made from 24K gold. On the flip side, 18K gold hits that sweet spot. It’s both gorgeous to look at and strong enough for pieces like rings, earrings, and bracelets. Think of it as the MVP in the gold world – bringing both beauty and strength to the table.

How Can You Tell if Gold Is Real?

  • The best way is to take your gold jewelry to a reputable jeweler who can test it
  • Check to see if it has been stamped (real gold should be stamped somewhere with its karat measurement (usually 10K, 14K, or 18K).  
  • Alternatively, fill a bowl or glass with water, and drop the gold into it. If it floats, it’s not real gold. It’s likely genuine if it sinks since real gold is quite heavy.


Can I wear high-karat gold jewelry every day?

Yes, of course, you can wear high-karat gold jewelry every day! However, it’s important to note that due to its purity and softness, it is more susceptible to scratches and dents. Such jewelry should be handled with caution during activities that could damage it.

How do I determine the authenticity of karat gold jewelry?

To determine the authenticity of karat gold jewelry, firstly, you check for a hallmark or stamp indicating the gold’s purity, e.g., “14k” or “18k”. You can also make sure to buy from reputable sources or brands to ensure quality and authenticity. Otherwise, consider having your gold jewelry tested by a professional jeweler.

Does a Higher Karat Mean Higher Quality Gold?

Yes. In general, a higher karat indicates a greater percentage of gold in the alloy and, therefore, a higher degree of purity. For instance, 24-karat gold is considered pure gold, while 18-karat gold contains 75% gold. Quality is subjective; even though higher-karat gold is purer, it may be less durable in certain jewelry applications due to its softer nature.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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How To Measure Ring Size

How to Measure Ring Size for a Surprise Proposal

Finding the perfect ring size is just as important as finding the perfect engagement ring. Read on to find out all the ways you can measure ring size for a surprise proposal!

This task may seem daunting, but don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! We’ve come up with multiple methods to measure ring size accurately and discreetly. 

Whether you opt for our free ring sizer or more straightforward at-home techniques, we’re sure you’ll get that ring size down without your partner knowing, and you’ll be well-prepared for that magical moment. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Ring Sizing

Before you embark on your mission to find the perfect ring size, it’s important to understand how ring sizing works. Ring sizes are determined based on the inner circumference of the ring, usually measured in millimeters. The standard ring size scale ranges from 3 to 13 for women and 8 to 15 for men, with half-size increments available for a more precise fit.

To measure someone’s ring size accurately, you have a few options.

Measure Your Ring Size With A Ring Sizer Tape Measure

Using a tape measure is a convenient and accurate way to determine your partner’s ring size. Here’s how:

  1. Wrap the ring sizer tape around your partner’s ring finger (left or right, depending on their preference.) 
  2. Adjust the tape until it feels comfortable, allowing for easy movement.
  3. Read the size indicated on the tape measure where it overlaps.

Related Post: How To Measure Your Ring Size

How to Measure Your Ring Size Using A Ring Size Conversion Chart

A conversion chart is a super valuable tool to translate measurements into the appropriate ring size. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Measure the inner circumference of your partner’s finger using a string.
  2. Compare the measurement to the ring size conversion chart to find the corresponding size.
Ring Size Conversion Chart

How to Measure Ring Size Using String, Paper, and a Ruler

This is a classic method, and it only requires everyday items to measure ring size:

  1. Wrap a piece of string or dental floss around your partner’s finger.
  2. Mark the spot where the string overlaps and measure its length.
  3. Use a ruler to determine the measurement in millimeters.
  4. Refer to a ring size chart to find the appropriate size.

6 Ways to Measure Ring Size Without Your Partner Knowing

Maintaining the surprise is essential for your stealthy proposal, so here are six ingenious methods to measure ring size discreetly:

  1. Friend’s Insight: Enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to ask your partner about their ring size without giving away the surprise.
  2. Trace and Sneak: Borrow one of their rings and trace its inner and outer circles onto paper to estimate the size- you can take this to a jeweler for a more accurate sizing! 
  3. Paper Slip Trick: Slip one of their rings onto your finger and mark how far it goes. A jeweler can convert this into the correct size. Make sure it’s a ring they wear on their ring finger! 
  4. String-Length Comparison: Borrow one of their rings and compare its inner circumference to a piece of string, then measure the string. Again, make sure you take the ring they wear on their ring finger! 
  5. Virtual Ring Sizer: Take one of their rings and use an online virtual ring sizer tool that allows you to match a ring against a screen to determine the size. 
  6. Disguised Discussion: If your significant other isn’t too suspicious, casually discuss jewelry preferences and sizing while watching a movie or TV show to gather information or get a friend or family member to start the discussion. 
Different sized engagement rings

Why Finding The Perfect Size Matters

Why does size matter? Well, a ring that’s too tight can be uncomfortable and difficult to remove, while a ring that’s too loose might slip off or spin around the finger. Finding the perfect fit ensures your partner can wear their engagement ring with joy and pride daily.

Creative Ways to Find Their Size

Figuring out their ring size without spoiling the surprise can be a fun challenge. Here are some creative ideas to consider:

  • Friend in Disguise: Ask a friend or family member to casually bring up the topic of rings and sizes in conversation with your partner.
  • Trace and Sneak: Borrow one of their rings and trace the inside and outside circles on a piece of paper. A jeweler can use these tracings to estimate the size.
  • Subtle Comparisons: Slip one of their rings onto your own finger and mark how far it goes. A jeweler can determine the size based on your finger.

Sneaky Techniques For Keeping The Ring A Secret

Keeping the proposal a secret can be just as exciting as planning the proposal itself. Here are some tips to help you keep the engagement ring under wraps:

  • Private Browsing: When researching rings online or checking out ring size guides, use a private or incognito browsing window to prevent any accidental discoveries.
  • Digital Distraction: Create a folder on your computer or smartphone specifically for ring-related research and label it something inconspicuous.
  • Temporary Tattoo: If you’re worried about hiding the ring at home, consider getting a temporary tattoo to keep the ring safe and concealed.
Keeping The Ring A Secret

How To Hide The Ring at Home and Abroad

Whether you’re proposing at home or on a romantic getaway, keeping the ring secure until the big moment is essential. Here’s how to do it:

  • Travel Tricks: If you’re traveling with the ring, keep it in your carry-on bag to avoid any mishaps during security checks. A travel pouch or hidden pocket can also keep the ring discreet.
  • Home Sweet Hideaway: At home, consider creative hiding spots like a well-disguised jewelry box, inside a book with a secret compartment, or tucked away in a sock drawer.

Which Finger Should You Be Sizing?

The most common finger for an engagement ring is the fourth finger of the left hand. This tradition stems from the belief that this finger contains the “vena amoris” or the “vein of love” that leads directly to the heart. However, cultural and personal preferences vary, so take note of your partner’s preferred finger for jewelry.

an engagement ring on the correct ring finger

Easiest-to-Resize Metals

When choosing a metal for the engagement ring, keep in mind that some metals are easier to resize than others. White gold, yellow gold, and platinum rings are generally more malleable and can be resized relatively easily. On the other hand, metals like titanium and stainless steel are more challenging to resize due to their durability.

Related Post: Jewelry Metal Types 101: A Buying Guide


How accurate are online ring measurement charts?

Online ring size charts provide a general guideline, but the most accurate measurement can be given by a professional jeweler. 

What if the ring is too big or too small?

Most jewelers offer resizing services, so if the ring doesn’t fit perfectly, it can be adjusted accordingly. Just remember that not all metals are easy or can be resized. 

Can I propose without a ring and choose one together later? 

Absolutely! Many couples choose this route to ensure the ring matches their partner’s style and preference.

Should I measure in mm or cm? 

We find it’s best to measure in millimeters (mm) for the most accurate fit. Using millimeters ensures precision and helps you find the perfect fit for your finger.

What happens if I order the wrong size? 

Don’t stress! If you happen to order the incorrect size, most reputable sellers have a return or exchange policy in place. Reach out to them as soon as possible, and they’ll guide you through the process of getting the right size so that you can enjoy your new ring with a perfect fit.



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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What Are The Different Colors Of Gold

What Are The Different Colors Of Gold?

Gold will forever be a timeless favorite for jewelry wearers. However, although gold is often mistaken for only being yellow, its beautiful and diverse shades and hues can sometimes be overwhelming.

What Are The Different Colors Of Gold?

Keep reading to find out all there is to know about the different colors of gold. Plus, we’ll assist you in finding out which color of gold color for your next piece of jewelry.

What Is Gold?

Gold is a valuable element steeped in a rich history of wealth and affluence. It is a dense precious metal labeled Au on the periodic table of elements. In its purest state, it gleams with a radiant yellow color and is highly durable and malleable. Gold is often naturally found in a pure form. 

Embedded within the Earth’s crust, this precious metal is widespread within various igneous rock formations, although in relatively low concentrations.

What Is Colored Gold?

Since pure gold is highly malleable, it cannot be used for jewelry production by itself. To make practical jewelry that can withstand everyday wear, gold must be combined with other metals called alloys. Silver, copper, and palladium are the most common alloys used to solidify gold. When blended with varying proportions of gold, these alloys produce various shades and radiant hues.

Aside from its resilience, gold has many other valuable features. Here are just a few reasons why gold is the most popular choice for jewelry around the world:

  • It doesn’t tarnish
  • It’s durable enough to last a lifetime 
  • Beautifully crafted
  • It has traditionally been associated with societal status and a symbol of wealth

Most people believe gold is only available in three colors – yellow, white, and rose. Although those are the most popular, did you know gold comes in many other hues, such as black, purple, and green?

What Are Karats Of Gold?

Karats, abbreviated as ‘k,’ is a measurement unit that marks gold’s purity (content) when alloyed with other metals. When gold is at its purest, it is labeled 24k. However, you’ll unlikely see this on jewelry as it’s too soft for practical use.

Knowing what each karat type means and how it affects the price tag is so important when purchasing gold jewelry. In different parts of the world, minimum karat requirements for gold-labeled jewelry vary, although there are no maximum karat requirements. For instance, in the United States, gold jewelry must be at least 10k, whereas, in the UK and France, the minimum is 9k.

Let’s take a closer look at the standard Karat measurements.

Karat measurement chart

The Origin of Gold

Colored gold dates back centuries, including early references to rose gold being used as far back as the first millennium. As the 19th century progressed, Carl Faberge, jewelry to the czars, popularized rose gold with his decorated Faberge eggs. Then during the early 1900s, rose gold was widely used by women of high social status for fine jewelry and engagement rings.

18K Yellow Gold Organic Bamboo Engagement Ring

What Are The Different Shades of Gold?

Did you know that gold comes in various rainbow shades? While some gold colors are purer than others, the rare shades are available for your favorite jewelry pieces. Let’s take a look:

Common Gold Shades

Although each shade of gold varies in color subtly, eight main types of gold are used to make jewelry. Here is a closer look at each one.

  • Yellow gold is what most people think of when they imagine pure gold. Yellow gold comes in a variety of karats and price points. However, because pure gold is too soft to be used on its own, silver and copper are added in varying ratios to produce the yellow color seen primarily in jewelry. 
  • White gold is actually a broad term that contains many colors of gold. White gold is produced by mixing pure gold with white metals such as silver, nickel, and palladium. White gold comes in a wide range of karats and, therefore, a variety of prices due to its diverse nature.
  • Rose gold is a gold-copper alloy closely related to red and pink gold. Differences are based on the ratio of gold to copper and whether or not silver is added. Since rose gold contains copper, it is not hypo-allergenic, so be sure you or the recipient will be comfortable wearing it.

Rare Shades Of Gold

  • Purple gold is a variation that results from mixing gold and aluminum. But it is less commonly used in jewelry due to brittleness.
  • Green gold is one of the most common gold shades, containing pure gold, copper, silver, and zinc. There are different shades of green gold varying from soft to deep green. This depends on the alloy used. Historically, green gold has had some incredible uses. 
  • Blue gold is one of the less common gold shades that combines gold and indium, gallium, or iron.
  • Grey gold is a type of white gold created by combining pure gold with copper, manganese, silver, or iron.
  • Black gold is a shade created through various methods. For example, cobalt oxide involves mixing pure gold with cobalt and heating it at a specific temperature. Another way to make black gold is by electroplating, where gold jewelry is plated with a black finish – usually rhodium or ruthenium.

What’s The Best Shade of Gold?

The best shade of gold is completely subjective and depends on personal preference, which can be based on individual style and fashion sense. While some may prefer a rich hue, others lean towards a pale tone. 

While white gold engagement rings have been very popular for many years, yellow gold engagement rings will always remain a classic and timeless choice. In addition, the romantic and modern charm of rose gold ring styles is a gorgeous yet unique choice too, especially when paired with beautiful gemstones.

Ultimately, the best shade of gold is the one that complements the wearer’s skin tone, and aesthetic preferences, creating a stylish and treasured jewelry piece. 

Related blog post: How To Pick The Right Engagement Ring For Your Skin Tone

Buying Gold from A Trusted Retailer

While there are established guidelines regulating minimum gold standards that gold dealers are expected to follow, some may choose to overlook these standards and offer substandard products instead.

This is one of the many reasons why dealing with reputable dealers is so important. Buying gold from a trusted retailer has the following advantages:

Quality Gold Jewelry

Reputable retailers will always assure you of quality. For example, if a piece of jewelry is labeled 14k, it is safe to assume the gold content has not been manipulated and is worth its true value.

Ethical Practices For Buying Gold

Buying gold from a trustworthy retailer ensures the product is ethically sourced. In other words, they have taken the appropriate steps following the necessary regulations.

Trained Experts

A high-quality retailer will likely have trained staff, further adding to their credibility and your confidence in their products. This ensures that the staff understands the products and processes involved so that you can trust their expertise. 

Good Customer Service

lastly, dealing with a reputable retailer means you can trust and depend on them to be responsive during the selection, buying, and after-purchase. Having the confidence that they will promptly address your concerns and questions eases the stress of the process.

14K Rose Gold Classic Split Shank Solitaire Diamond Engagement Ring


Are there different colors of gold?

The majority of people think gold is only available in three colors – yellow, white, and rose. While those are the most popular hues, gold also comes in many more shades, such as, purple, blue, green, gray, and black. 

What gold is best in color?

It’s important to remember that all types of gold are high-quality metals for your jewelry. However, the decision boils down to individual preferences and intended use. Consider the following when trying to reach your choice. Does it complement your existing jewelry collection? Is it within your budget? Can it withstand frequent use?

What color gold is most valuable?

The most valuable color of gold is typically yellow, which is considered pure and classic in appearance. Other shades, such as white or rose gold, may be preferred for fashion or personal taste, but they are usually mixed with other metals, reducing the purity and thus the value.

Is gold hypoallergenic? 

Generally, gold is considered hypoallergenic as it really causes allergic reactions to the skin. However, in some cases, gold jewelry may contain other metals or alloys, such as nickel or copper, which can trigger allergies in certain individuals.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it. We hope we have enlightened you about all the different colors of gold. And now you can find the perfect pieces (or pieces) for your jewelry collection. If you need any assistance, our experts are always available to offer their professional opinion. Contact us here! 

And, don’t forget that if you’re looking for a gold engagement, wedding ring, or a fine jewelry gift for someone special, you can always count on us for high-quality and affordable pieces.



Tarryn Snoyman

An experienced content writer with four years' experience, Tarryn enjoys educating and guiding jewelry shoppers, providing them with valuable insights and best practices for making informed purchases.

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Cover Jewelry Metal Types 101 A Buying Guide

Jewelry Metal Types 101: A Buying Guide

There is so much more than what meets the eye when it comes to jewelry metal types! Beyond color and weight, there are many factors to consider when shopping for new jewelry. Keep reading to learn all about different metal types and their characteristics.

Buying Different Metal Types

Different metals come with different colors, strengths, durabilities, benefits, and downsides. Before making a big purchase, it’s important to consider all your options to ensure you’re getting the best possible piece for you! Let’s break down the different characteristics to consider when shopping for different metal types.


When looking for new jewelry, understanding the natural colors of metals and how they complement your skin can be very helpful. Certain metals also change color depending on their reaction to other materials and wear. 

Generally speaking, cooler skin tones work best with cooler metals, such as white gold and platinum. Warmer skin tones match well with hues of yellow gold. As always, the best way to determine the right color for you is to try on various pieces and see how they complement your look!

Certain metals also change color depending on their reaction to other materials and wear – so keep this in mind!

Sometimes a piece of jewelry looks great on you, regardless of these guidelines. Wear what makes you feel confident and beautiful!

Related blog post: How To Pick The Right Engagement Ring For Your Skin Tone


Naturally, different metal types have different densities, which directly influences their weights. When wearing large earrings, for example, you may want to opt for a lighter metal (such as titanium) to make sure you feel comfortable.

Denser metals are also more expensive. This is something to consider when shopping on a budget! 

Ultimately, metal weights have a lot to do with personal preference and comfort levels. The weight of jewelry will affect the way it hangs, feels on the skin, and its overall presence.

Hardness and Durability

Durability is a very important factor when purchasing jewelry that you’ll want to stand the test of time. Metals like platinum are known for their durability and resistance to tarnish and wear. Metals like gold are known for their softness and are often alloyed with metals like copper to give it extra strength (which can be found in 14K or 18K gold). 

Understanding different metals and their strengths will help you pick the right metal for your daily activities and uses. 

Keep reading for a breakdown of each metal type and its durability!

Scratch resistance

If you’re constantly on the run or are prone to bangs and scratches, pay special attention to metals that are more forgiving than others. Some metals, such as the aforementioned platinum, are far more resistant to scratches than metals such as gold. 

If you know, you’ll wear your jewelry daily, think ahead and purchase a scratch-resistant metal. It will save you anxiety in the long run and last you ages!

Hypoallergenic vs Irritant To Skin

Whether you have sensitive skin or not, it’s a good idea to consider a metal’s potential to cause allergic reactions.

Metal TypeHypoallergenicIrritant to Skin
Yellow GoldHypoallergenicPotential Irritant
White GoldNot HypoallergenicPotential Irritant
Rose GoldNot HypoallergenicPotential Irritant
SilverGenerally HypoallergenicPossible Irritant
PlatinumHypoallergenicUsually Not Irritant
TitaniumHypoallergenicUnlikely Irritant
TungstenHypoallergenicRarely Irritant
TantalumHypoallergenicRarely Irritant
Cobalt ChromeNot HypoallergenicCommon Irritant

Important Points:

  • Hypoallergenic metals like platinum, titanium, tungsten, and tantalum are generally less likely to cause skin irritation.
  • Silver is usually hypoallergenic, but it might still cause irritation in some cases.
  • Yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold are not typically hypoallergenic and could irritate skin.
  • Cobalt chrome is a more common irritant and may provoke allergic reactions.

What is Metal Carat?

Not to be confused with the carat weight of a diamond, a metal carat refers to the quantity of pure gold that is found in metal. 

  • 9ct – Is hallmarked with “375” and is made up of 37.5% pure gold. The rest of which is composed of other metal alloys. This durable metal is ideal for everyday wear. 
  • 14ct – is hallmarked with “585” and is made up of 58.5% pure gold. This is the most popular gold due to its relatively high gold content, color, and affordable price tag. 
  • 18ct – is hallmarked with “750” and contains 75% pure gold. This metal displays durability and a rich yellow hue. 18ct gold is ideal for engagement and wedding rings. 
  • 22ct – is hallmarked with “916” and contains 91.5% pure gold. This is the purest form of gold commercially available in jewelry.

Types of Jewelry Metals

Now that we have a general overview of metal characteristics, we can dive deeper into specific metal types and what they offer!

Precious Metals

Yellow Gold

Yellow gold is a historically coveted precious metal known for its warm and rich luster. While its purest form, 24K, is far too malleable for everyday wear, it is commonly alloyed with other metals, such as copper and zinc, to improve its durability. 

Pros: Looks great on most skin tones, offers a timeless and traditional look that never goes out of style
Cons: Soft, not the most contemporary color

14K Yellow Gold Claw Prong Solitaire Engagement Ring (Flush Fit)

White Gold

White gold is a popular alloy that combines gold with other metals such as palladium or zinc. Doing so gives the metal a luminous white sheen. White gold is often plated with rhodium to enhance its strength and color. 

Pros: Has the look of platinum at a lower cost, has a contemporary look and feel.
Cons: Over time, the rhodium may wear off, requiring maintenance.

Platinum Petite Pavé Crown Diamond Engagement Ring

Rose Gold

Rose gold imbues any look with color and warmth. Rose gold is made by mixing pure gold with copper. Similar to yellow gold, rose gold does not require plating and can easily be polished. 

Pros: Looks great on different skin tones.
Cons: Is made with copper, which may cause allergic reactions.

14K Rose Gold Classic Round Shape Three Stone Engagement Ring


Platinum is one of the most popular jewelry metals out there! Platinum offers both eye-catching beauty and strength that can withstand everyday wear. Platinum will not tarnish from air exposure and can be polished if damaged. Platinum’s positive qualities are reflected in its price, making it one of the more expensive options on the list.

Pros: A durable metal, ideal for everyday wear.
Cons: More expensive than other metals.

Platinum Cushion Outline Pavé Engagement Ring


Silver is another metal option that is both popular, stunning, and affordable. While many different percentages of silver alloys exist, sterling silver is the most common. Due to silver’s malleability. it is not ideal for engagement or wedding rings. Instead, silver is ideal for intricate pieces. Frequent polishing will keep silver looking clean and bright. 

Pros: Affordable option without compromising on beauty.
Cons: Require maintenance due to oxidation.

What Is Hypoallergenic Jewelry?

So what exactly does ‘hypoallergenic’ even mean? Hypoallergenic jewelry is jewelry specifically designed to be less irritating to those with sensitive skin. Such pieces are made from materials known to be softer on the skin. Materials such as titanium, surgical-grade stainless steel, and niobium are all great options.

Hypoallergenic jewelry is often used for body piercings since piercings are highly likely to produce adverse reactions. But gentler metals are also favored by those with nickel allergies, as hypoallergenic jewelry does not contain nickel. In recent years, hypoallergenic jewelry has grown in popularity as more people search for jewelry that looks and feels good on the skin.

A List Of Hypoallergenic Materials

The most common hypoallergenic metals are the following:

  • Gold: Gold is a soft, non-reactive metal that is naturally hypoallergenic and corrosion-resistant.
  • Silver: Silver is a durable metal naturally resistant to corrosion and rust. Thankfully, it is also hypoallergenic.
  • Titanium: Titanium is a strong, lightweight metal highly resistant to corrosion and rust and unlikely to cause an adverse reaction on your skin.
  • Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is a durable, low-maintenance, hypoallergenic metal.
  • Platinum: Platinum is a rare metal that is naturally hypoallergenic and resistant to corrosion and rust.

Alternative Metals

While silver and gold have long held the spotlight in the jewelry world, there are many other metals to choose from. Options such as titanium, ceramic, and stainless steel offer unique aesthetics and functionality that cater to several different needs. 

From their contemporary look to their hypoallergenic or lightweight properties, alternative metals are surely something to look into. In 2023, alternative metals are particularly popular for men’s wedding rings- offering style and comfort for all kinds of grooms.


Titanium has recently grown in popularity due to its rich black color and lightweight feel. While titanium is quite durable, it is not heavy or cumbersome to wear. Instead, titanium is a popular metal for men’s wedding rings, offering a contemporary twist and versatility ideal for everyday usage.

Black Titanium And 14K Rose Gold Satin Center 7mm Ring


Similar to titanium, tantalum went from traditional uses in technology to being a niche jewelry favorite. Tantalum is incredibly resistant to wear and corrosion, rivaling most traditional metals. Its dark hue offers a contemporary, sleek aesthetic for those looking for a distinct and resilient metal.



While tungsten may most commonly be associated with industrial uses, it has quickly found its place amongst popular robust jewelry metals. Tungsten offers an almost scratch-proof finish, ensuring longevity and strength.

While tungsten has a weightier feel than similar metals, this can be ideal for those looking for a metal that imbues strength, modernity, and tradition.

Black Tungsten Carbide 6MM Bright Step Band By TRITON

Colbat Chrome

Cobalt chrome is a unique blend of cobalt and chromium that has recently seen a surge in popularity. Known for its radiance that closely mirrors platinum or white gold, cobalt chrome has more than what meets the eye.

This metal stands out due to its durability, scratch resistance, and hypoallergenic properties.

Cobalt Chrome 6.5mm European Comfort Fit Ring


Ceramic has recently emerged as a popular choice for those looking to step a little bit outside the (jewelry) box. Not to be confused with the common ceramics used in pottery, ceramic in jewelry is a high-tech material known for its lightweight, scratch resistance, and luster.


In the ever-expanding and exciting world of jewelry, the number of choices available to you is always growing. From timeless classics like gold and silver to contemporary alternative metals like titanium and tungsten, each material brings forth its unique narrative, characteristics, aesthetics, and benefits. 

Choose the best metal for you and your needs, from functionality to comfort to history. After all, the metals we wear tell a story just as multifaceted and nuanced as the individuals who wear them!



Rachel Glassman

Armed with five years of writing experience, Rachel aims to turn dense topics into easily understandable content, one shining word at a time.

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Shopping For Diamond Jewelry Tips

How To Buy Diamond Jewelry The Smart Way

When it comes to buying diamond jewelry, it’s important to make informed decisions to ensure you get the best value for your money.

How To Buy Diamond Jewelry The Smart Way

With so many options available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not! We’ll walk you through the smart way to buy diamond jewelry. From shopping online to understanding the 4Cs and considering lab created diamonds, these tips will help you make a confident and smart purchase.

Tip 1: Shop Online

Gone are the days of traditional jewelry stores being the only option for buying diamond jewelry. Shopping online offers several advantages. You can explore a wide range of designs and compare prices from the comfort of your own home. Online retailers often have lower overhead costs, allowing them to offer competitive prices. Just be sure to buy from reputable sellers with secure payment options and return policies.

Tip 2: Know The 4Cs

When buying a diamond or diamond jewelry, understanding the 4Cs is essential. The 4Cs refer to the diamond’s Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat weight. Familiarize yourself with these characteristics to evaluate a diamond’s quality and value. Educating yourself on the 4Cs will enable you to choose a diamond that suits your preferences and budget.

Related Post: How To Buy An Engagement Ring Using The 4Cs

Tip 3: Don’t Compromise On Cut

While all the 4Cs are important, the Cut of a diamond is particularly significant. The cut determines how well the diamond reflects light, resulting in its brilliance and sparkle. Even with excellent color and clarity, a poorly cut diamond may appear dull. Prioritize a good cut grade to ensure your diamond jewelry shines brilliantly.

Tip 4: Try Lab Created Diamonds

Lab created diamonds offer a fantastic alternative to mined diamonds. These diamonds are grown in a controlled environment using advanced technology, producing high-quality stones that are chemically and optically indistinguishable from natural diamonds. Lab diamonds are often much more affordable. Consider this option to get more value for your money – especially if you’re looking for the perfect engagement ring!

Tip 5: Fancy Shaped Diamonds Tend To Be Cheaper

Consider fancy shaped diamonds if you’re looking for a unique and affordable diamond jewelry piece. Traditional round diamonds tend to be more expensive due to their popularity, while fancy shapes like princess, pear, or cushion cut can offer similar visual appeal at a lower cost. Don’t shy away from exploring different diamond shapes to find the perfect fit for your style and budget.

Related Post: How Does Diamond Shape Affect Its Price?

Tip 6: Know Your Metal Preference

When buying diamond jewelry, think about your metal preference. Common choices include gold (white, yellow, or rose), platinum, and sterling silver. Each metal has unique qualities, so choose one that aligns with your style, durability requirements, and budget. Be aware that different metals may require specific care and maintenance; some aren’t hypoallergenic.

Tip 7: Make Sure To Inspect The Diamond/Jewelry

Always inspect the diamond or jewelry piece before purchasing whether you’re buying online or in a physical store. Look for any visible flaws, irregularities, or damage. If shopping online, ensure that the product images are clear and detailed, and read customer reviews to gauge the quality and customer satisfaction.

Tip 8: Pay Attention To Certification

Before finalizing your purchase, check if the diamond has a reputable certification. Certifications from well-known organizations, such as GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or AGS (American Gem Society), ensure the diamond’s authenticity, quality, and grading. A certified diamond gives you confidence in your purchase.

Related post: Your GIA Certification, Explained

Diamond buying 101: 8 Tips for Success

Shop Smarter

Buying diamond jewelry doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience. By following these smart tips, you’ll be well-equipped to make the best decision and find the perfect diamond jewelry piece for yourself or a loved one.

Still have questions? Contact one of our experts at anytime, and we’ll be happy to offer you expert advice or a free diamond consultation. 



Jessica Thomas

Jessica is a seasoned content writer with four years of experience and a qualified gemologist. She enjoys educating new shoppers on the best practices for buying jewelry.

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Colored Diamonds

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Fancy Color Diamonds

Fancy colored diamonds are all the rage, but what exactly are they? Are they real? Are they like regular diamonds? And how do they get their color? Read on to get all the answers!

Colored Diamonds

In 2021, a new record was set. The largest, most valuable blue diamond was discovered in South Africa. It was larger, had a deeper color than the previous record holder, and was awarded the highest color rating available by the GIA, a prize offered to less than 1% of blue diamonds.

The stone took over a year to polish and facet into the 15.10-carat step-cut diamond it is today. Now The De Beers Cullinan Blue diamond is valued at $48 million USD.

Blue Diamond

While THIS fancy colored diamond is out of reach for most of us here on the ground, getting your own fancy colored diamond is easier than ever. James Allen carries a variety of sizes and colors to choose from.

So get on board with the trend that is here to stay! From engagement rings to fine jewelry, fancy colored diamonds give that unique, personal edge to your bling. So get ready to sparkle, because embracing color has never been more in style.

What Exactly Are Fancy Colored Diamonds?

Essentially fancy colored diamonds are diamonds that feature a variety of colors. Diamonds normally come in an assortment of colorless options. Meaning that diamonds are either completely colorless all the way to a variety of light yellow.

How Do Fancy Color Diamonds Get Their Color?

While in traditional diamonds color is not desired, in fancy colored diamonds, color is EXACTLY what you want! From dark to light, color is what you are after. So how do they get their color?

These highly prized diamonds, similar to their traditional counterparts, get their color when they are formed. Intense heat and pressure during the diamond’s formation create trace elements that present themselves in a way to create either no color, or for fancy colored diamonds, brilliant color.

The strength of the color depends on the interaction of the trace elements. Whether you prefer a lighter pink or a brighter blue, it’s all about the carbon atoms.

Fancy colored diamonds

The Colors Of The Rainbow

Fancy colored diamonds are available in every color you can think of: pink, blue, purple, green, orange, brown, black, and even red or gray. While traditional diamonds lose value as they gain color, fancy colored diamonds do the opposite.

The stronger the color, the higher the value. Similar to traditional diamonds, fancy colored diamonds gain value the larger the size. The most common colors are in the yellow family, which is great because they are often the most economical choice of fancy colored diamonds.

Round colored diamond

Hue, Saturation, and Tone

Hue, saturation, and tone: what are they and what do they mean? Hue is the main or strongest color of the fancy colored diamond. Fancy colored diamonds can be one color but the hue is the strongest, followed by secondary colors and tints.

Saturation is just how strong the color, or hue, of the fancy colored diamond is. As in, how saturated is the color of the fancy colored diamond. A fancy colored diamond’s saturation can go from “light” to “intense,” all the way to “vivid.”

And finally there is tone. Tone is how light or dark the fancy colored diamond appears and is decided by the amount of brown, black, gray, or white color.

Hue, saturation, and tone all come together to determine a fancy colored diamond’s grade (light, fancy, fancy light, fancy intense, vivid, fancy dark, and fancy deep). Similar to their traditional diamond counterparts, fancy colored diamonds’ value and fit are not determined solely on their grade.

Different strokes for different folks, different grades for different fancy colored diamonds, for different engagement rings.

Engaging Color, Exclusive Style

Fancy colored diamonds are just as real as traditional diamonds and can be used in just as many ways. Fancy colored diamonds are a popular choice, especially for engagement rings and wedding rings. So how do you know which fancy colored diamond is right for you?

Fancy Pink Diamonds

Let’s start with fancy pink diamonds. Fancy pink diamonds have long been a favorite for those who love a burst of color. As part of the rarest of diamond colors, earth created pink (and red) fancy colored diamonds are an extraordinary find, with reports of only approximately 30 being in existence.

Get your very own fancy pink diamond engagement ring with James Allen!

Pink diamond
Pink diamond ring

Fancy Blue Diamonds

Love of color is not specific to pink. Fancy blue diamonds make a beautiful, calming choice. Another rarity, fancy blue colored diamonds are thought to represent spirituality, eternity, truth, and devotion. Getting their hue from boron, with their resemblance of a clear spring sky or a sparkling ocean, it is no wonder fancy blue diamonds are so popular.

Check out this example of a Fancy Blue Diamond Engagement Ring!

Fancy blue diamond
Blue engagement ring

Fancy Black Diamonds

Or maybe you wanna go dark like the black diamond ring? Fancy black diamonds have a strong color intensity and sparkle with a metallic shine. These exotic diamonds are a darling of the fashion world.

Found only in a few locations, fancy black diamonds are thought to symbolize love and eternity, making them a fabulously unique way to adorn your finger. Get your own version from James Allen and start showing off!

Black diamond
Black diamond ring

Fancy Green Diamonds

Representing life, renewal, and growth, green is a great color for a fancy diamond. Fancy green diamonds are extremely rare, as they are created due to exposure to radiation. The radiation can come from groundwater or radioactive rocks near the earth’s surface.

Often pricier than their counterparts due to their rarity, green diamonds are a lively colorful choice for an engagement ring. And don’t worry, while the stone may get its color from radiation, it is totally safe!

Green diamond
Green diamond ring

Looking for another color of the rainbow to make your engagement ring stand out? Check out the many colors of fancy diamonds that James Allen has to offer!

colored diamonds vs traditional diamonds

Real Diamonds, Real Fancy

Colored diamonds are not to be confused with gemstones (which also go great with diamonds). Fancy colored diamonds are just as much diamonds as their traditional counterparts.

The advantage is that you can express your personal style in a particularly unique way using color. Check out these examples below or create your own!

And let’s not forget fancy colored brown diamonds, better known as chocolate diamonds.

In addition to their rarity and value, fancy colored diamonds are extremely popular. At once elegant and trendy, fancy colored diamonds allow you to add an extra level of personal expression. But don’t be fooled by the name, fancy colored diamonds are also good to wear every day!

Pair with white gold, yellow gold, or platinum, James Allen has a variety of fancy colored diamonds to create the perfect engagement ring. Start shopping today!


1. How are Colored diamonds graded?

Fancy colored diamonds are graded using the GIA’s color grading system, which assesses the diamond’s hue, tone, and saturation. The more intense the color, the higher the rating, and the higher the price.

2. Are fancy colored diamonds a good investment?

If you know what to look for and you purchase a diamond with a proper GIA rating- then, yes! Colored diamonds make a great investment. While the colored diamond market can be volatile at times, there is comfort in knowing that fancy colored diamonds are rare, coveted, and stunningly beautiful- forever!

3. How rare are fancy colored diamonds?

While the rarity of a colored diamond depends on the intensity of its color, the short answer is yes! Fancy colored diamonds are incredibly rare and highly coveted. For example, less than 0.1% of diamonds mined are fancy yellow diamonds!

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Sarah Axelrad

With over 10 years of experience writing and editing on a wide variety of subjects, Sarah is a veteran of the content world. Since joining James Allen, she has focused on all things diamonds and fine jewelry with the goal of educating and empowering consumers.

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