Engagement Rings vs Wedding Rings: Your FAQs Answered

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Not usually. The sizes of wedding rings and engagement rings can vary, but they are often similar in size.

Yes, you can use an engagement ring as a wedding ring if you prefer.

The engagement ring is given during the proposal, symbolizing the promise to marry, while the wedding ring is exchanged during the ceremony, symbolizing the actual marriage.

Yes, some people choose to wear their engagement ring as their wedding ring, although traditionally, they are separate pieces of jewelry.

In some cultures and modern practices, men do wear engagement rings, but it is not as common as it is for women.

Traditionally, the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, and the engagement ring is stacked on top of it. However, preferences can vary.

Absolutely! Many couples choose to upgrade their rings for anniversaries or other significant milestones.

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